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ch2; a mild shock

I'm not an organized person.

Aitana, on the contrary, is the most organized person you will ever meet.

This is why sharing a dorm with her has never been the easiest.

Her things are always separately put away and safely stored, while mine are scattered all over the place.

She claims she once found my bra inside her leather boots.

This is a lie, or at least that's what I told her, anyway.

As we enter the great hall, I wonder who we would have as a third roommate this year.

Our head of house, Flitwick, always changes it; every year there is a new girl in our dorm room.

In previous years, all of the roommates have been pleasant, especially last year.

I just hope this pattern proceeds.

Asher, Aitana and I take a seat by the rest of the Ravenclaws, our attention on Dumbledore and his speech.

"First, I'd like to welcome professor R.J. Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post, of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor!" He begins.

My breath hitches.

Not only have I already met the man who emerged from his seat, but I dared to think of him handsome, as well.

Embarrassed, I look down at my food.

"He looks competent." Says Aitana absentmindedly while she pokes at her food, merely giving the speech attention anymore.

Asher nods, except his attention is devoted. "Yes, I agree. Except for his face," He squints, signalling at the man's scars. "What'd you reckon he did to get scars like that ?"

"Stop." I hit him in the arm. "I think they're unique."

Aitana glances up at me then laughs, shaking her head. "Don't be strange, Juliette. You don't know if he'll turn out to be like the past Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers.

She isn't entirely wrong. However, I have a gut feeling that Lupin won't disappoint us.

"Every scar holds a story, Aitana, you don't know what he might've gone through to get them."

He flashes me a small smile, and something about that smile tells me that Lupin will not be the worst decision Hogwarts has made.

"Right, well I want to be early for class." I state, picking up my book and nudging Asher on the shoulder. "Coming?"

He mumbles a soft 'mhm' and we bid goodbye to Aitana.

Chatter fills the halls of Hogwarts as students excitedly roam their way around the castle, eager for their first class.

I insist that Asher and I sit in the front of the class, but he repetitively shakes his head. "Absolutely not. I know you're a world-class teachers pet, but I am far from good at this class. I will do everything to avoid being picked on."

I laugh at his argument and surrender. We take a seat in the very back, propping our belongings on the table.

Soon enough, the classroom is filled with Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs of all sorts.

"Hello." Asher says awkwardly towards a short haired brunette, who scoffs at the sound of his voice. Asher stiffens.

I furrow my brows as if asking him to explain. "Summer fling." He says, head low.

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