Chapter 2

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Bakugou's Pov

As she reaches the bottom her ass slips and she hits the ground hard.

"Ow." I could barely hear her say it.

I chuckled slightly and went to the end of my bed. I looked down to see her with her face stuffed into her hands. Her legs up to her hands.

"You ok?"

Her head slowly nods.

"You sure?"

She nods again slowly. I chuckle again and sit next to her.

We sit in silence for a while.

"Hey listen IcyHot. I'm sorry for trying to kiss you. I should have asked you first. Or at least made sure you shared the same feelings." I say looking down at my feet.

Then I feel something touch my cheek softly. I look over not moving my head. Oh damn she's kissing my cheek!! I grab her chin and slowly bring her head closer to mine. Then it happens she kissed me back. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss. Then she broke apart. And blushed.

"You liked it." I say smirking.

"Shut up." She whispered.

I laughed and looked at her. Her beautiful grey and cyan eye, damn it, so fucking cute. She looks back at me and smiles slightly.


She gulped.

"Y-yes Katsuki?"

Without saying anything I pick her up bridle style and bring her to my bed. We end up falling asleep together, cuddling.

Time skip~ in the morning

Bakugou's Pov still


I groan and roll over to face her.

"Yes kitten?" I say sleepily.

"It's time to wake up."

I look over at my clock it's 6:30. We have to be at class at 8.

"Fine kitty."

I sit up and realize she's on top of me. Damn it.

I clear my throat and look at her. She understands but doesn't get off. She shakes her head and lays down on my chest. God damn it.

"Kitten I love you but you need to get off or we're gonna be late."

She whines and gets off, "fine."

She plops next to me already, ready for class. Ok? How? I don't know. I get up and take my shirt off. I turn back around to face her.

"May I help you?"

"No I just like looking at you." She giggles and gets up.

I finish getting ready. I grab her waist and kiss her nose gently. She giggles slightly.

"Come on it's time to eat."

"Ok Kat."


"A pet name? For you. From Katsuki... Y'know?"

"Yes Kitten I understand."

She smiles and I feel all warm inside. NOT BECAUSE OF MY QUIRK!!!!

*Knock knock*

There was a knock at my door. It's either Deku or Shitty hair. Either way they can't know about IcyHot and I.

I look at her and she understands, she ran into my closet and closed the door behind her. I go to the door and well. It's Shitty hair.

"What?" I say in my normal angry tone.

"Sorry Bakubro! I was just wondering if you want to walk to class together?"

"No. I have to get ready still."

"Oh no problem! See you in class!"


I close the door and wait for him to go away. Once he did I went to my closet and found IcyHot balled up in the corner.

"Hey is everything ok?"

She looked up.

"Y-yeah. Sorry I'm just scared of the dark. S-sorry.

I grab her hand. "Everything's ok Kitten. I promise."

END! Yes sorry for not posting... I got my phone taken away sorry! Anyways I'll try and post more but something happened in my family and to say the least I might need a little while to recover. But love you guys! - FireEclipse 🔥

word count- 622

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