Chapter 2: Inheriting A Legacy

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Notice: This is not a rewrite of Naruto in the world of mha. There's a lot in common, yes. But it's very different.

Special thanks to Jaroberts251 and earl408 for beta reading this chapter.


"Hey, Kurama. Y-You're not really a Villain or a monster, aren't you?" Izuku asked his new partner.

"What makes you think so?"

"It doesn't make sense to me that the same monster who once tried to destroy Musutafu suddenly decides to help a random kid, gives him hope and power, and tells him let's go save the world together. You had no reason to do any of that and I don't believe that a monster would be interested in saving the world which proves that you're nice." Izuku replied and he could swear that Kurama looked embarrassed by what he just said.

"Don't get so full of yourself, brat! For all you know, I could be manipulating you to do my own bidding or even escape from here!"

Izuku, however, shook his head. "If that was the case, you would've not said what you just did. Revealing your plan like that would be so dumb after all."

Kurama opened his mouth, trying to counter his argument but didn't find the words to do so. In the end, he just groaned in annoyance while murmuring something about "perceptive cinnamon roll" and "a dumb Uzumaki who was easier to fool". Of course, Izuku was right about him, and he truly had no ill intentions towards the boy... But calling him nice! Him! He's the almighty Kyuubi no Kitsune!

Seeing his reaction, Izuku couldn't help but laugh, making Kurama even more embarrassed.

"Shut up! Stop laughing, you puny human!" He angrily shouted. His booming voice causing Izuku to flinch back and raise his arms in defense.

"Sorry." Izuku apologized, thinking that he offended his new friend.

But instead of being satisfied with Izuku's apology, Kurama frowned. He knew about Izuku's social antics, it was no secret to him. Constant years of bullying made him jumpy and flinch back at... almost everything. He knew that the boy has no backbone, can't really stand to himself, and tends to apologize quickly for the stupidest reasons. All because of the life he led up until now. In the end, he decided to push this issue in the back of his mind. For now, they had much more important matters to deal with.

"So, uh... if you weren't responsible for the attack on Musutafu, then who-" Izuku began but never got the chance to ask his question as Kurama interrupted him.

"You need to leave now." And the next thing he knew, Izuku was laying on a hospital bed.

"W-What? What happened?" Izuku was confused. One moment he was in front of Kurama and the next he was in an unfamiliar room which looked like a hospital room.

'I kicked you out of your mindscape.' Came Kurama's voice from inside Izuku's head who was more and more surprised.

"B-But why?" Izuku asked with a hint of worry. Did he really offend Kurama that much that the fox didn't want to see him again? Unbeknown to him, his thoughts and emotions reached his partner.

'Because we need to escape from here. Now.' He elaborated, but the teen was now confused instead of worried.

"Why do we need to escape from a hospital? We're safe here."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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