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Roman agrees to the job. I mean how could he not? We're all working for our freedom here. Now we gotta get our asses back to Miami.

Bilkins takes us to a US Customs office. As we're walking in Roman stops. Brian and I turn back to talk to him.

"You good, Roman?" I ask.

"Hey, bro, what's going on?" Brian asks.

"I don't know if I should be trusting you, man," Roman confesses.

"Just think of it this way. It's an opportunity for a fresh start. Let's just go do this alright," Brian tells him.

"I wouldn't need a fresh start if it weren't for you," Roman tells him.

"Man, you been using that since the day you got busted. Now, let's just chill out and go do this," Brian says.

"I don't need to chill out," Roman argues.

"Yes, you do. And you need to stop blaming me for your every mistake. And Roman Pearce needs to start taking responsibility for his own actions," Brian tells him.

"You need to go to hell," Roman counters.

"And you need to go back to Barstow," Brian tells him.

"I'm not goin' back to Barstow," Roman says before finally walking into the building.

A truck pulls into the hangar we're in. The back is pulled up and a woman is standing there.

"Brian O'Conner, Maricruz Alvarez, Roman Pearce, meet Monica Fuentes," Markham introduces.

"Do they have background on Verone?" Monica asks.

"They've been briefed," Bilkins tells her.

Monica hops out of the truck. "Good. All right, here's the deal. Verone's looking for drivers. I've arranged for the three of you to join up. I've also hired some thugs. You know, to make it legit."

"When do we start?" Roman asks.

"Right now," Monica tells us.

"What are we driving?" I ask.

Agents pull the covers off of three cars, two Mitsubishi Eclipses and a Mitsubishi Lancer. I smile. One of the Eclipses is purple and a convertible the other is blue while the Evolution is a horrible green color.

Roman holds Brian back. "Don't even think about takin' the convertible." He throws his bag in the backseat. "It might loosen your mousse."

"No, that's cool. That's too much chrome for me anyways," Brian states.

I look at him. "You can have the ugly green one." Brian gives me a look. I shrug my shoulders as I drag my hand along the body of the car. "You know blue is my favorite color."

"Damn! Where you all confiscate these rims from, man?" Roman asks.

"Check in with us after you meet him," Bilkins tells us.

Monica points at Brian. "I'll ride with you, cowboy."

I look at Brian. I don't want to admit it but I'm jealous. Brian and I aren't anything but I don't like the idea of Monica moving in on him. Even through all he did to hurt me I think I still have feelings for him. I mean I still care about him for sure.

"Why she gotta ride with you?" Roman asks.

"You get the convertible," Monica tells him. "Let's go."

We take off in the new cars Roman and I follow behind Brian. Brian starts to floor it causing Roman and I to do the same. I know he's doing it to show off. He definitely has a thing for Monica.

Loving the Buster//Brian O'ConnerWhere stories live. Discover now