A Godly display of power! (chpt3 pt 2)

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Last time on Beyblade!
Y/n and Drum fight! That's it!🤡

3rd pov:

Yn: KORASHI! Inferno style:Blaze overdrive!!
Korashi then effortlessly dodges dragons attacks drum: b-but how??
Yn:Owari da.
Korashi then circles dragon rapidly speeding up and then occasionally throwing in strong attacks Yn then grows a dark purple-ish aura (yea I did it) and korashis attacks get stronger and korashi speeds up. After a while of this happening the speed starts to get too high and korashi burst from the sheer power being released (sorry if it seems like bs but it happens in real life so why not) y/n then loses the dark aura and says: looks like I gotta work on that move. And what was that strange surge of power? Armin then burst in the room sweating and panting. CHarmin ultra soft- I mean Armin: GUYS VALT IS COMING! Y/n: well ok you don't gotta shout. Yn then thinks Well Valt is stronger than me but it would be fun to fight him. Especially if I can get that power thingy to work. Valt then Opens the door yelling: I AM HERE! (No reference😳) Y/n: valt aoi I want a battle. Valt: OK? No hi or anything that's tuff....;-; Y/n: [square up thot]Well hello? Valt: thank you! Let's go now

As valt and Yn get in position they then shout: 3 2 1....GOOO SHOOT! Korashi and Valkyrie speed into the stadium Valkyrie immediately goes on the offense attacking korashi with a barrage of blows Valt: Valkyrie!Winged launch! As Valkyrie continues its onslaught of attacks Yn just replies with a "tch" before he says: Infinity bind when valkyrie goes to attack its lands but korashi doesn't budge
Valt: W-what the....
As valkyrie releases a barrage of fast attacks Y/n just laughs Valt: Time to end this! Valkyrie!! Valkyrie then goes golden and is about to attack korashi but then in a purple flash of light..
Korashi dashes out the way showing a new purple form Valt: why do I feel so much corruption...I gotta figure it out! LETS GO! 110% VALKYRIE WINGED SLASH!
Y/N: Zehahaha....Korashi..Inferno Style: Honoi Kazuchi No kami! (Is that the right name?) Korashi and Valkyrie Dash at each other at high speeds and when they clash its like time stopped. They stay in the stalemate with sparks flying everywhere and and enormous wind pressure coming. This would be the final few seconds before the battle would end. The stadium then cracks a bit as Y/n and Valt yell:FULL POWER As Valkyries Blue aura flares up and Korashi's aura flares as well. And then...They both burst and go flying out of the stadium. Y/n/Valt:.....That...Was AMAZING! WE GOTTA BATTLE AGAIN Valt: i went woosh bang Kablam! Y/n:and I went like Bing Bing kablooey!. So after agreeing to battle countless times eventually armin and Dante join. ~Timeskip~ Y/n: well..that was somethin dante: yea it sure was Valt/Armin: it's really fun training together.. as our elite 4 fall to the ground due to exhaustion our chapter ends... now

527 words. I'm proud of this chapter it was kinda fun to make. Until next time I go to get yall some milk peace!

 The Master Of Beyblade! (Beyblade burst Gt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now