The Wrath of Buster Cherry

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I sit on this throne living gloriously in fine riches and everyone asks if I could do it all over again would I Buster Cherry I'd say fuck yes!!! The pussy, the lights, the camera, the power and most importantly the money. I played theses people all like fools and these pathetic incels couldn't see it even if it hit them in the fucking face. I have the Suicide Squad in the palm of my hands and next I'll have the Avengers and finally the Justice League.

"Sir we have word that we are close to getting the information on all the forms of blackmail and scandals on the Avengers."

Good very good be patient Ned we need this all to go according to plan remember what happened when we tried to go in too fast with the Titans.

"Yessir will you be attending us on the journey when time is right???"

Breaking News: "President  has called red alert on Super Humans/ Meta Humans as he and the US military are still searching for the Suicide Squad aka Task Force X and the President has also had the FBI and CIA searching for the remaining members of the Teen Titans. Here is more on what the President had to say."

"As the leader of the United States I want all Americans super or non super to be safe whoever took Task Force X and killed and left the Titans for dead..... you will be found and until this person or persons is found I unfortunately have to call in all meta/ superhero's for personal safety. - President

Shit!!!! *Buster throws a chair at the tv* We already have the fucking President locking down sups in safe houses DAMNIT!!!

"Sir just take it easy here a glass of champagne." Ned says

Buster hits Ned and throws him against the wall. I DONT NEED CHAMPAGNE DAMNIT I NEED MORE POWER TO OVER TAKE THAT MONGREL!!! Buster walks towards Ned "Ned I need you to get me everything concrete you have on Fury and the Avengers got it I need it by tomorrow night and then we come up with a plan and finally we will go after them.... Ok?" "Yessir.... Mr.Cherry" says Ned. Good now go bring me some big booty bitches I need to mediate or masterbate..... maybe both.

The Next Night:

"Ok!!! Gentlemen listen up and listen good we got one clear shot on this if we miss this shot it's donzo and prison time for all of us and if I see anyone trying to jeopardize this mission then I'll put a bullet in you myself. Now Ned get over here tell us the plan."says Buster.
"Uh... hello gentlemen. The Avengers with that being Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor and the Hulk will be at this safe house in Berlin only a very few Shield agents and Nick Fury of course will be watch them like hawks. We have a very short amount of time getting them so I propose gas to put them to sleep."

"What bout the Hulk isn't he immune to that shit." say a henchmen.

"Leave the green bastard too me I'll show him a great time." says Buster.

"As I was say we take out the guards keep Fury alive for him to take the infamous fall we group up all the avengers besides Banner and we get out of there scot motherfuckin free."

"So everyone knows the plan??? Good gear up we got a plan and some goodies to catch!!" says Buster with a smile on his face.

Ok we will be dividing into two groups. Group Alpha your with me to take Banner for a little walk. Group Euphoria your with Ned I want a clean job no red flags ok do what Ned says and get outta there when we have control of The Infamous Incredible Hulk I'll signal you with a flare.
As the Group Euphoria descends Group Alpha begin setting up to distract the Hulk. Group Euphoria take out the guards with ease as the apprehend Nick Fury and the rest of the Avengers. As the tear gas starts to build in the room Bruce begins to change into the Hulk as he escapes the house he falls to the ground and quickly tries to gather himself.

"Stay calm Bruce. STAY CALM." he says.
Ya know that's what I would do as well my friend either that or I'll have my big shark friend here rip your head off or you could fill oh so sweet sound of all the bones and vessels pop that and including your brain with one snap from my finger.

"Who are you???"says Bruce.

"You'll know it one friend but for now it's boss."says Buster with an arrogant smile *Buster sends the flare shoot up as the make the perfect getaway*

The Next Day:

Breaking News: 10 armed guards shoot and killed also among one of the guards Nick Fury he has went missing along with the Avengers. Fury and the Avengers were stationed in a safe house right outside of Berlin. We now go live to the White House to see what the President has to say.

My fellow Americans I know it's a sad day but we will fight we will endure...

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Ladies and Gentlemen I hope all is well my name is Buster Cherry and am the one who killed the Teen Titans. I am also the one with assistance from a few helping hand took the Suicide Squad and the Avengers I won't reveal how I did it but let's just say I had a little help from one Mr. President see every since superhero's came crawling on the ground or flying in the sky the Us government has felt venerable so the President decided to make his own little personal Burn Book. Ha get the reference. See he want to control these hero's like Superman, Batman, The Avengers the list goes on and on for days so he and you Americans could feel safe. Well let's get one thing straight I have the files from the suicide squad to the avengers and there's one more file to go and once I find it I Buster Cherry will be the all powerful. I will be God.

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