The Suicide Squad v. The Gentlemen

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"Ok Gentlemen let's go save the damn world."Says JPK. The Gentlemen enter the party keen on getting in and out without a problem arising but when...

Harley: Hello Gentlemen my name is Harley Quinn I would like to give you a warm welcome to this fine party so please welcome to the Vito Plaza. If you need anything just yell out Harley and I'll be here in jiffy Okie dok.

Winters: I'll gather as much information as we need best we split up.

Colonel: Winters where you going???

Requiem: I believe he's going to do thing the old fashioned way sir.

Colonel: The old fashioned way???

Requiem: Going to the bar for information.

Meanwhile upstairs The Guy and Lieutenant Steven are looking for the files of the Justice League.

The Guy: Sooooo Lieutenant shitbag how long you been under Colonel Fags???

Steven: Ugh.... I hate my life.

The Guy: So do I my friend so do I. Ah fuck look what we have here. The file oh bonus we got another file as well.

Steven: Who's the other file???

The Guys: Looks like Task Force X. Yep that's them ight lieutenant douche let's get outta this dumpster fire.

Black Widow: Hello Gentlemen get lost???

The Guy: Steven take these get them to the Colonel I got.

Steven: Yessir.

Black Widow: Your so sure of yourself.

The Guy: Yeah well that comes with the perks of be a villain but the real question is that your natural hair color.

Black Widow: I don't like guys I don't know so who the hell are.

The Guy: Well that's just it sweetheart I'm The Guy and your in for a hell of a time.

Black Widow attempts to strike The Guy but he quickly move outta the way and delivers a punch then follows up by throwing her into a bookcase. The Guy checks to see if Black Widow is unresponsive and attempts to leave the room but he is met with a round house kick and she quickly shuts the door. Widow hitting deadly strikes left and right The Guy counters back with an uppercut to the chin followed with putting Widow through the table. While all this is breaking down Peacemaker has eyes on the situation.

Peacemaker: Buster we got a problem top floor evidence room Romanoff looks to be in trouble.

Buster: Who's up there???

Peacemaker: Male early 20s and is fast as fuck.

Buster: TAKE HIM OUT!!!

Peacemaker: Yessir.

The Guy: Ms. Romanoff it was a pleasure and I truly hope we meet again maybe in a hotel room perhaps I don't know but I have get going enjoy the rest of your night.

As The Guy attempts to leave gunshot goes off and The Guy quickly turns around sees the bullet coming straight at him and gently catching the bullet.

The Guy: Hmmm interesting...

The Guy rapidly escapes the room goes to atop the roof and faces off with Peacemaker. Meanwhile we go back to the party where we seeing Lieutenant Steven reaching Colonel JPK with the files. While Requiem and Winters are undercover searching for more details on Buster Cherry, Requiem is met by Harley Quinn with some awful news.

Harley: Hello strangah I didn't get you or your gorgeous friends names earlier.

Requiem: My name is no importance to you. I'm here for bigger fish than to just lay in bed with likes of you.

The Gentlemen Where stories live. Discover now