Motobot kidnap

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Adudu landed on earth with Probe and his spaceship

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Adudu landed on earth with Probe and his spaceship

"hehe, our time have come"


Back with Boboiboy, it was a late night but Tok Abe was still open

Back with Boboiboy, it was a late night but Tok Abe was still open

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Kokochi is in his ship, repairing it.

"Commander, How much longer are the repair going to take" Motorboat

"Humm, a couple of days more"

"a couple of days!!!??, what if those pirates manage to track us "

"Don't worry Motobot, we are under Boboiboy protection"

Turning our view on Boboiboy

" Boboiboy grab these drinks will u" Tok Aba

" Okay, Tok"

"Boboiboy clear up the table over there" Ochobot

"U, boy, the clean pls" The old customer

"quick Boboiboy, the ice is starting to melt" Tok Aba

"Err, I can't handle this alone, Boboiboy Triplet split"

" Wind - u will help Tok Aba, Lightning - give Ochobot a hand and I'll take the bill" Earth

and they started working by using their power. wind was taking the ice Chocolate to Kokochi and he saw Gopal selling a picture of the commander's spaceship. Ridiculous!

"Come on, come all, take a photo with the spaceship, 3 for 10$, 3 for 10$, 3 for 10$!" 

" Really Gopal, u still selling pictures at this hour"

"Hey, of course, time is money"

"Wow, that a lot of cash! Of course, tons want to check out this cool spaceship, All of them took me up with my offer!"

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