•Mina & Bakubaby•

978 16 3

×Littlespace (obviously)
×Might have swearing
bakugou pov•

Classes finally ended I was so close to slipping in class in front of all the extras, if the found out they'd probably see me as weak..

I'm heading to my dorm so I could finally slip into little, I go into my dorm room and close the door plopping onto my bed, sighing, slowly slipping. I sit back up giggling, getting my binki and my kwitty. I wike kitties dey cutes :3

I hear a knock on my door
I gets scared and go under my sheets shaking, I hear I female voice "Bakubaeee you in there..?" I stay silent "if so I'm coming in-" I hear them say as I hear the door open

Minas pov•

I look around in bakugou's room seeing some toys and plushies, I didn't know he likes stuff like that- I then look towards the bed seeing a figure under the sheets shaking a bit ..hmm..? "Bakugou is that you..?" I say then take the sheet off and see a shorter bakugou holding a cat plushie and- a binki in his mouth..? "Eep!" I hear the small bakugou make a noise

•bakugous pov•

I see a girl wif pink hair and skin and get scared that she saw me "wh..what do yous w-wantss" I say as I see her confused but then her eyes lights up "Bakubabyyy! Youre so cuteeee🥺💕" I hear her yell, squealing. I gets embarrassed and hide my face in my plushie "am-am I weally..?" >////< "Awwww!! Yes you areee, you precious bean!!" She squeals again, hugging me. "Th..thwanks you, can we pway..?" I say with my face in her stomach from her hugging mes "yess of course bakugouuu!" She says "c..can you calls me k-kat or Suki whiles I wittles" I ask "hm..? Oh of course!" I smile happily "y-yays!" She smiles

~after 40 mins of playing they watched a movie~

Minas Pov•

We watched a movie Kat wanted to watch after the movie, I look in my lap and see a sleeping kat and I smile I'm glad he's happy. I pick him up slowly and change him into one of his pastel orange and blue kitten onesies. I lay him down onto his bed and gave him his plushie I give him a kiss on the forehead and I turn to leave the room but I feel a tug and look behind me, kat still sleepy and says "donts go.." "okay bub" I smile and cuddle with him hearing his soft breathing

I hope you guys liked this first one! <3 if anyone has suggestions for one please give them! Sorry if I don't update much but yeah :D tell me if you liked it :)
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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