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"Hey Ophelia Wake up!" I opened my eyes as my lips curves, Streching my arms and watch how peaceful the kingdom is. The sunrise is about to begin in less than a minute from now.

"Good Morning!" I did my daily routine, Im gonna wear a Blue dress today since its my favorite color. I opened my door which reveals my bestfriend, Avery.

He's my bestfriend, since the day i was born. Because he's mother serves us and we became really close since his mother always bring him in here. My Parents also told him to move in when he was 12 years old so now His room is next to mine and it became a part of his morning routine to wake me up.

And also annoy me and also gives me second hand embarrassment. He really don't care about what people think about him, as long as he makes people around him happy.

We high fives then began running thru the halls, My dress waves and his cape waves as we run. "Good morning Lady Ophelia" our chef said.

"Good morning Ms. Adeline!"

"Are you ready for it!" He sat down and began eating his food.

"Ofcourse im ready to meet new people in the Academy!" I began eating my food with excitement about the first of Academy. "And meet new friends!"

"Nah, you're not, you're forever stuck with me and Penelope." I rolled my eyes on him

"Good Morning Mother" i kissed her "Father" i hugged him.

"Good Morning your highness" He vows in respect.

"Good Morning" We began eating in silence. I can't hide my smile, im really exited to meet everyone, if i have the luck, maybe im going to meet my lover!

After we finished eating our breakfast we used our bike to reach the Academy. The distance of the Palace and the Academy is not that far.

"Hello girls!" He shouted as he stretch his arms wide "New Academy year Woah!" He shouted, i laughed when no one gives a damn about him. They just stared at him.

"Oh come on! You guys are boing!"

"Anyway" A boy came towards us and Drew closer to me "Can i court you?My princess?" The boy is about to kiss my hand when Avery stopped him.

"First of all, She just turned 17 not 18, dumbass. And second, how dare you touch her hand without my permission!" I laughed and tug Avery to our first subject before he creates a scene again.

"You always gives me second hand embarrassment Avery!"

"Eh, his fault though. "

"Are you jealous" i smiled

"No, and i just made a promise to look after you" He rolled his eyes and sat down. "And where the hell is Penelope!"

"Language Avery" i smacked him. He just glared at me.

"Good Morning Iphegenias!"

3rd period is done, we just introduced ourself and bonded a little as we showed what our talents.

"Where is Penelope" Avery sighed. Well aside from me, he really loves annoying Penelope. Penelope and i are total opposite. What can i say shout her, she's ginger, loves green, have nice tattoos, always wears boots and knows how to play ukelele.

"Probably screwing some girls again" Danilo said overhearing our conversation.

"Funny Danilo, very funny"

"Can i sit here?" A girl asked, i nod.

"Nope this table is only for royalty and her bestfriend" Avery proudly said flexing my position in my Family. I face palmed. The poor girl is about to leave when Avery stopped her. "Im kidding, ofcourse you can" he smiled at her.

"What's your name?" I asked

"My name is Amelia, and i really have a huge crush on you! Omg you're so gorgeous and those emerald eyes of yours omg!" She fan girls, we both look at her confusedly or more like shocked.

Well our people always see me so our people really don't have this energy when they saw me. And my Advisors treats me the same just like how they treats my colleagues so no biases are being made. As for our people, they just waves and bow or say hi as a sign of respects But this girl infront of me is-

"Did i- did i scared the two of you? Im really sorry. I just ugh i may probably turn you off" She faced palmed "Im sorry, im from the Kingdom of Everdeen. And my brother and i moved in here"

"Oh i guess welcome to Iphegenia" Avery hugged her without permission but she also hugged back.

"Uh can i hug you? If its okay?" She asked. Avery is about to say no but i nod. We hugged and its been 5seconds and she haven't released me.

"Girl stop obsessing with Ophelia" Avery said which made us both chuckle

"Its really nice meeting you Princess Ophelia"

"Oh just call me Ophelia" i smiled and her eyes sparkles i turn my attention to Avery which face is now flat.

"Are you flirting?"

"Yes" i winked which makes The girl blushed. Awe she's so cute.

6th period has passed uneventfully. Avery and i are now making our way to be back in Palace, but we decided to stop in the Park.

This Ice cream is delicious. Its 4pm so i still have 2 hours, my curfew is 6pm.

"Hi Princess Ophelia" A kid vow i smiled and vowed at her in return. People respects me and always shows politeness.

"You know the one that touches your hand in the morning? His name is Ezra. " i gave him a confused look "I just taught you wanted to know."

"Maybe im not glad that you stopped him. Maybe i really want to have a boyfriend, i know i only need to wait for a year but i still want to have a lover" i said staring at the young teenage couple with their intertwined hands.

"Well you have me, I'm enough" he proudly said, i chuckle.

"Ugh I've been looking around for the two of you everywhere!" She sighed and sat next to me with her arms crossed in her chest.

"Whats with that pouty face Penelope?"Avery asked which made her pouty face into blank face.

"And why didnt you attend Academy?" I asked her

"Ugh cause i hate going in that place, all they teach is boring and nonsense. The year is just about to start and im already hating every single part of it" she sighed heavily. She grabbed my hands and began playing with it.

I leaned on Avery's shoulder as we watch the sunset. This became our routine. Watching the sunset together. But I'am more inlovet with the sunrise than the sunset.

Because Sunrise means new day, ang new day means new chance to everything. Chance to fix things, Ace academy, Cope up and meet your lover.

Im a hopeless romantic princess.

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