The book and its old stories + Where is dad?

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"You guys had a book like this too?" Hayln asked as she was confused why her mother didn't tell her that yesterday when they were talking about it. 

Darbie smiled towards Hannah and Kelly and said "Come here, sit with us, and we'll tell you everything"

They told their children all their cool mysteries of magic, it was also a huge surprise for the girls that their mothers were so tactful and sneaky. 

After a long 1-hour session of refreshing all their memories, it was time for Kelly to go on another meeting. Hannah was annoyed and said "Seriously Kelly can't you miss one meeting for your daughter, for us?" after getting emotionally blackmailed by Hannah, Kelly felt bad, so she canceled the meeting and decided to sit with the girls and have fun. 

"All right, let's call it a day. I need to finish my novel series or the fans will be seriously upset." Darbie said in a sad plus amusing way

"Me too, I need to go for the house checking. It's a pretty hard job when you're moving" Hannah replies

Belle suddenly asked"OMG, are you going to finish Moon between us?" as she was a fan too. 

Hannah moving was a very sad time since she had a lovely neighborhood and didn't want to leave them, it was also sad for Anna cause that house and a bunch of house movies were the only memories of her father after he left. Same with Hayln and Belle, they only had pictures and house movies as their memories with their father. 

After reaching their old home, since they hadn't really taken everything to their other house. 

"Mom, can I ask you something? " Anna said in a sad tone

Hannah surprised as Anna speaking in a sad tone is extremely rare 

"Sure sweetie, why not?" Hannah said, in a comforting way 

"Where's dad? Why don't you ever talk about him? Why can't I meet him? are you divorced from him? did he run away?" Anna said filled with questions

"Oh lord, that's a lot of questions, how about you write them in your journal and ask 1 each day?" Hannah said trying to stall the questions

"No answer them, Day after tomorrow is Father's Day, and I'm supposed to make a family tree and write a bit about him-" Anna stated in a very sad tone

"Sweetheart relax I'll give you a picture of him." Hannah trying to comfort 

Anna could hold it anymore and broke down, she was so sad that just couldn't hold it anymore 

" And I also have written a few lines about him and the good time of me with him, but the truth is I don't even know who he is. For me, he is like a stranger who once use live with us but suddenly vanished and no one knows where he is" Anna screaming in pain 

Hannah felt so bad that she ran and gave her a tight hug, she was trying her best to keep her daughter happy but realized her daughter was devastated about the fact that she doesn't have a dad, Tears could no longer be held in their eye's as they rolled out uncontrollably. Both broke down and had a long crying and screaming in pain fest. One of the good neighbors heard them crying and went to check on them. She was an old lady, a very caring one indeed. 

She knocked at the door 

" Is everything okay girls? i heard some crying and screaming noises so was checking" Said the caring old lady 

Hannah wiping her tears and opening the door said, "Yes everything is fine, since its Father's Day coming up, Anna is quite sad." 

"I hope you guys will be fine, talking about all this can be extremely emotional" The old lady replied in a comforting way

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