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He finally conquered his greatest fear. And with that, the darkest part of his mind started to light up with hope and courage.

And because of that, the thing that held me together was know unraveling before me. As we stood inside his mind now as bright as the sun, I could feel myself starting to evaporate.


I called out, my voice quivering with pain as my body started cracking. Max answered with a hum, still staring in awe as the world brightened before him.

I flinched when he smiled so brightly, knowing very well that he would be just fine without me. Maybe he'll finally let go of his regrets and finally accept his flaws.

"Can you turn around please?" 

My voice came out desperate catching Max off guard. I was surprised myself. I was prideful, more than the average person. 

Max turned around, his green eyes glimmering with concern making me feel guilty about leaving him so soon.

Through the time we were together, we've grown such a strong bond that having it be broken before our very eyes felt like the world was coming to an end.

And for me, the world WAS coming to an end.  


His voice came out hushed and thin. He was worried, and I could feel it. I tried taking a step forward to try and comfort him, but the smallest movement caused such a large crack.

I hissed as a sea of pain washed over me, my body slowly chipping away, making small bits and pieces float around.

"Sparrow, what's happening?"

Max asked, his voice now loud as he started panicking. I did my best to calm him down, but with every movement I keep cracking, making him panic even more.

"Max, please calm down..."

I pleaded, my body now feeling heavy. I suddenly felt tired. I wanted to lie down and sleep, but I was frozen in place.

"How can I calm down? You're cracking!"

Max exclaimed, his voice suddenly louder than it actually is. I flinched at the volume of his cries making him go silent.

With Max now silent, I took the opportunity to explain everything to him. Three years worth of lying now being told in less than in less than 30 minutes.

"Now that you've finally conquered your demons, the seams that held me together will now give way."

Max stared at me, shocked at the truth that I was hiding from him all these years. I dipped my head in guilt, I never meant to lie, but I couldn't tell him the truth.

"Your darkest fears gave me life, and now that you've gotten over them, I have no purpose to be alive anymore. I fade away with the darkness..."

I finished, my head still hanging. I didn't have the strength to look him in the eye, and quite frankly, I don't think I deserve to.

Silence fell over both of us as Max took time to process the new information I had just poured out. But after a few minutes, Max broke the silence.

"There has to be a way for you to stay..."

Max theorized. I looked up at him, to stunned to speak. I thought he was gonna get mad. I thought he was gonna yell at me for lying, but now he's thinking of ways for me to stay.

Thoughts swirled in my head, feelings over flowing within me, But one thought and one feeling made a mark.

Ignoring the pain, I lunged forward, catching Max in a tight hug as tears started falling down my face.

The pain I felt was like waves crashing over me, but I didn't care. All I thought about in that moment was the person in my arms.

Max returned the hug, his own cries echoing in my ears as tears soaked through my clothes. We stayed in each other's embrace, savoring our final moments together. 

"I'm sorry Max, but I have no reason to be here..."

I whispered in his ear as I stroked his back gently. Max released me from his embrace, grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"No, you need to stay. You have to stay. I can't live without you!"

Max cried out, more tears falling from eyes. I reached out to wipe away the tears from his face. But as I raised my hand, I saw the holes that slowly got bigger.

I was fading, and fading fast.

I knew I needed to tell him. So with a sudden burst of courage, I linked my lips with his. Max froze, but soon melted into the kiss.

Our lips fitted perfectly, like a lock with it's key. We stayed like that until our lungs started to burn and I was the first to pull away.

Max rested his forehead on mine, his pants tickling my face. I smiled sadly at him as I caressed his face.

"I'm sorry Max, but my time is up."

I said as the lower half of my body disappeared. Max placed his hands over mine and begged for me not to go,

"I have to go, please live on. For me..."

I whispered, the rest of my body fading away.

"I love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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