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Robb looked at the filthy man before him.

When he had first seen Ser Jaime Lannister, back in Winterfell, he had thought this is how a Southern King must look like. Golden, Shiny and Handsome.

There is nothing shiny about Jaime Lannister now. Months of captivity had muddied his appearance, just like his already muddied honour.

Jaime's appearance isn't the only thing that has changed. The man's once cocky and arrogant attitude, is now gone. His face is now often pale and haunted.

Looks like loosing his father and months of captivity had stripped the arrogance from Jaime Lannister, just like this war had stripped Robb of his honour.

Even though it is wrong to think, Robb can't help but feel pity for the Kingslayer.

Robb shook his head. He can't think like a soft hearted fool. This is the man who crippled his brother Bran, the same man who injured his father in a cowardly attack and most importantly broke his own oath as a Knight of The Kingsguard by killing one King and cuckolding another.

So he steeled his heart and greeted the man before "Kingslayer" He greeted smugly "I hope you are doing well".

Jaime didn't smirk or scowled like usual, instead he replied "Stark" The Kingslayer greeted back without his usual tone of arrogance "I am doing well" He paused before saying "As well a man can be, sitting on his own piss and shit for months".

"I hope so" Robb nodded with a tiny smirk "Afterall, we have to keep you presentable for Your sister to see, after I take King's Landing"

Jaime raised an eyebrow "You think you can take King's Landing".

"Can't I" Robb asked in an innocent tone "I took Casterly Rock after all".

"You took Casterly Rock by surprise and trickery" Jaime said dismissively "You can't take the Capital in a straight fight, You will fail just like Stannis did".

Robb's smile turned cold and he marched towards his prisoner, until he was standing just before him.

With his left hand, he roughly grabbed the Kingslayer by his chin and forced his head to tilt, to look him in the eye. The Lannister tried to break free of the Young Wolf's iron grip, but Robb had a strong hold on him.

Robb leaned forward until he was face to face with his enemy, he raised his right hand and caressed the Kingslayser's cheek, in a false loving manner.

"Don't worry about me, I won't fail like Stannis" Robb whispered tauntingly, "Do you know why?".

"Why?" Jaime gritted out, still struggling to free himself from the Young Wolf's iron grip.

"Because, unlike Stannis, their is no army that can threaten my siege from the West" Robb said softly, like he was explaining it to a child.

And that infuriated Jaime even more.

"I have destroyed all your armies" Robb continued "I have crippled the southern leadership and now the only thing that is standing before me, is this city" His blue eyes narrowed "And this city will fall".

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