Chapter 1-5

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Crazy Love 2

By: Bryce Fogle

Chapter 1

"Please don't hurt him please!" Alic said, crying."Abbie, Kane, Miller please," Alic said."He broke the rule Alic, I'm sorry Harley yo compadra o ta Harley," Kane said. Shooting the gun killing Harley then the screen goes black. Then a door opens and the screen is not black anymore. "It's time," Clark said softly. Alic twitched and turned into Ben. Ben held Harley's dead body close. "Clark why me, I've lost mostly everything! My boyfriend, my other mother. (Flashback.) "I almost got the little bomb bead out then we all will be safe," Barron said smiling. "Okay," Allison said."Hey Sean, did Diego radio back to see if he found the others yet?" Barron asked. "N-," Sean was about to say but the radio interrupted him."This is Diego we got a survivor running to the panel room to flip the switch so you better hurry," Diego radioed. Barron quickly does stuff then he takes the bead out then right as he puts it down it explodes. "If I'm gonna die Allison I'll see you down there," Vilisa said, shooting Allison in the head, killing her then Vilisas head exploding. (Flash back end) And my Best friend. (Flashback) Alic wakes up from Bryce screaming his name."Alic look, there's an opening you can go through the doorway, but be careful you're on glass that will break any second," Bryce screamed to Alic. Alic looked around and saw Max, Diego, and Sean."Max you're the closest so you go first okay," Alic said. Max nodded and slowly made it over there, the glass not breaking. "Sean, now you," Alic said. Sean slowly tried moving closer but the glass cracked a lot then broke below him Sean fell 15 stories high,h. Alic froze. Diego snapped Alic out of it."Alic goes then I'll follow," Diego said. Alic nodded then safely got to Max. Diego slowly moved alone but then there was a Demonoid screech from above. It was a zombie then the thing jumped down onto Diego and started to relax. Diego pushes the thing off and runs for it. The glass broke for him so he jumped. Then Alic ran to catch his hand grabbing it. Alic hangs out of the doorway Max holding Alic's feet. Alic smiled at Diego. But then the zombie jumped, falling, catching onto Diego's legs. He tries to kick the thing off but stops then looks at Alic."My conpadra o ta, by Alic," Diego said. Letting go, falling to his death, and Max pulling him up. (Flash back end). So please just let me have at least 1 more minute," Ben asked. Clark nodded and went out and closed the door."I love you so much Harley, yo compadra o to," Ben says, kissing Harley's forehead then laying him down and standing up.

Chapter 2

The door opens and Ben walks through it a bright light goes then it turns pitch white to black. Then Ben wakes up then sits up breathing heavily. A guy sits up nacked but with a blanket over both their laps. "You okay Ben?" Bellamy asked. "Yeah, I'm okay," Ben said. A girl quickly opened the tent then stopped. Bellamy pulls the blanket up to cover him more but Ben doesn't care and just keeps his waist below covered."God damn O can you not barge in!" Bellamy said. Ben rolls his eyes then sighs."Wacha need Octavia?" Ben asked. "Uhh, there are new people," O said."Well be out there soon, just give us a minute," Ben said. O nodded then left. Ben gets up and gets dressed and so does Bellamy. Ben and Bellamy walk out and go to where Clark, Bryce, Henry, Sammy, Max, and Octavia are needed. "I bet it's a small group of people," Max said. "Bet," Sammy said. The gates open and Kane with Miller walk the small group to the jail cell for a bit but then Bryce sees something. "Gary!" Bryce said loudly. Ben's eyes widen then cover Bryce's mouth pulling Sammy and Bryce down to get out of view. "I lied that he didn't go get something. I thought I killed him because I stabbed him in the stomach, then slit his throat and I don't know how he survived. I'm sorry I lied," Ben said. Bryce smacks Ben across the face then gets up and walks toward the jail cell."I-I'm gonna go lay back down," Ben said quietly, walking away and back to the tent. Bellamy went after him. (Bryce's perspective). Bryce walks in front of the jail cell."G-Gary?" Bryce said. Gary slowly walks to him. The bars separate them. "You left me for dead," Gary said."N-No Ben lied to us he said that he left us," Bryce said. "You left me for dead and we promised never to leave each other behind!" Gary screamed. "I-I'm sorry," Bryce said. "You and Sammy promised me but then you both go and leave like I was a sacrifice," Gary said, trying to show how weak Bryce is. Bryce starts to tear up. Then wipes them away then looks at Gary eye to eye ignoring the other fore people. "You left me first, you never came to help me. You left me to murder all my best friends and not care how much pain I was in. You just care about yourself. I'm different and so is Sammy so if you think you can break us trust me you're the least of our worries," Bryce said walking out.

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