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Enjoy the chapter! <3

Ertugrul's POV:

I grumbled, fatigued from my fall. My head pounded: I felt the back of my head, it was sticky with dried blood. I groaned deeply and sat up, recalling what happened. I breathed sharply: y/n. Where was she? I wasn't in the place where I had last remembered falling, but concealed behind a withering bush. Scrambling to my feet, I intended to find y/n. Our last conversation before we were separated wasn't exactly a joyful one.

"Ya sen, y/n? Do you love me?"


And then the moment. Her wound. Her fighting. Her grace, her proud eminence, even when we were greatly outnumbered by those black- clothed devils.

I made a futile attempt to walk out into the clearing, where the battle took place, the place where I talked to my beloved, the place where those shaitans spilled her innocent blood. My knees buckled underneath me, and I felt betrayed and hurt. 

Ah, y/n, where are you, my love? I thought to myself, helpless. Not able to carry my own weight, I decided to drag myself on the floor and out of the bushes. Easier said than done. After what seemed like years, I sat up and found myself the place where the earlier battle occurred. Wiping beads of sweat trickling down my forehead, I looked around. Only smears of blood, Mongol corpses, and swords remained. I looked around, dreading what I could see yet not able to look away. 

Y/n, y/n, InshaAllah you got away, you escaped those infidels, I begged. Then what I saw next stopped my heart.

I wasn't sure of it at first, but when I dragged myself to it, I was mortified into silence. Y/n's headpiece: the one she was wearing during the battle. Dragging myself towards it, I could clearly see that the ends of it were stained with blood. Hands shaking, my hands drifted towards it. I smelled it, tears clinging to my lashes, turning my vision into rainbows. It smelled sweet, like roses and berries. Clutching it to my chest, I looked around. I didn't want to look around, too fearful of what I could see. After a final scan of all the bodies, I saw something glinting in the grass and my heart stopped: her rose dagger. Again, I dragged myself towards it and picked it up- both blade, and handle, were bloody. Despite this, I tucked it back into my belt, not knowing what else to do. I couldn't think straight: all my thoughts were cloudy with the thought of her being lifeless. I was sure she didn't lie amongst the rest of the bodies, but I didn't know why the black devils had taken her with them either. As a slave? For a ransom? For a sacrifice? Or something else? I was clueless, but as I clenched the bloody dagger, I knew I would save her, no matter what. 

Y/n's POV

They dragged me along until we approached a dense- looking forest. I didn't show it, but I was up to the brim with fear. What were they planning to do to me? I wasn't stupid enough to yell for help- no- one would be around, besides, I'd probably be punished more severely. Stumbling on another root again, the rope was yanked more impatiently. I'd had enough of this. Was I an animal? Mustering up all of my courage, I spat into Noyan's unwashed hair. Pausing, he turned around to look at me with his piggy eyes and I defiantly stared back, my head held high. Hastily unmounting from his horse, he brought up his hand to strike my face. But I was ready. I almost laughed at his stupidity.

Aha, I'm a Seljuk girl. My father is the famous Arslan Bey, and this dog thinks I haven't been trained to fight? Pathetic.

Despite the fact my hands were tied up, I dodged the blow that was coming down and kicked him in the shins with my blistering feet. Noyan roared in anguish and dropped the rope which bound my hands. He dropped the rope...

Before any of the nokers could aid their leader, I set off in the opposite direction we were going in. I knew this was a matter of life or death. The adrenaline pumping through my veins overrode my weary limbs and my wound: I ran like the wind, without a stumble or a stagger. Whilst I sprinted, I heard the deadly war cries, the unsheathing of swords, the gallop of horses. They were too close for comfort, and the fact that their horses galloped twice the speed I did made me navigate for hiding places. A hollow tree? Not enough time to climb it. Hold my breath in a river? They might ride through it.

Allah, help me get away from these heathens. Don't make me suffer at their hands. Don't let me be captured by them, don't let me be their slave for life. 

All of a sudden, I heard steady hooves beating against the floor, just behind me. I started to supress sobs: being chased was as scary as being captured. I felt fingertips skimming the back of my neck: if I slowed for a millisecond, I'd be under their captivity once again. I wasn't going to let that happen. Still running, I grabbed the hand of the man on a horse and swung it round, making him tumble to the ground. Relief flooded me- but not for long. All of a sudden, Noyan appeared in front of me, scowling, salty. Halting to a stop, I looked to my right. Mongols. To my left. More Mongols. Behind me; Mongols. I was surrounded.

Emira's POV

Hmn, Ertugrul and y/n are having bonding time, clearly, seeing as they are taking ages, I thought smugly. And then there was her saying that she didn't love him- it's not difficult to figure out.

I was going to walk into Artuk Bey's healing tent but a certain someone was strolling out of it. I'm not sure who wasn't looking where they were going (I think it was both of us) but we collided sharply.

"Allah kahrettin. These damned people, wandering in and out of tents, not looking where they're going, I swear, it doesn't take a lot to-" I stopped abruptly when I set my eyes upon a handsome, young face; Aliyar Bey.

"-see," I finished my rant.

"Are- are you okay?" a deep voice asked, and I shivered by how smooth it sounded.

"Y- yes, I was kind of exaggerating, well, not really, I was just a bit annoyed- not to say I was annoyed at you, of course, but, well, what I mean, is," I was just blabbering nonsense now, and I could feel the colour seeping into my cheeks. Why now?

He smiled, a bright, beaming smile, right from his pure soul. 

"It's okay."

"No, honestly, I apologise, if there's any way I can make it up to you-"

"Well, you could start with helping me pick up my books?" he suggested. I swiftly nodded and realised he had, indeed, been carrying multiple books out of the tent which had fallen onto the muddy ground.

I reached out for Astronomy: Constellations, when Aliyar did the same, and I blushed profusely. His hand was now on top of mine, and I slowly tilted my head so our eyes met. An arrow immediately struck my heart accompanied with a burning sensation I had never experienced before. After a couple of seconds, his brow furrowed.

"Is- is there something wrong?" I asked fearfully, hands still touching.

"No- no," he reassured me. "I recognized you from somewhere."

"Really? I don't recall-"

"It was from when I was sick. Those men whipped me really bad, although I wish I were dead if it meant my father would recover." (Remember guys Arslan Bey is still unconscious or whatever) Then a shy, bashful smile tugged at the corner of his lips. 

"I thought you were an angel."

Omg guys, I really enjoy the Emira- Aliyar  f l u f f. It's so nice to write.

Again, every comment, vote and read is much appreciated, and I apologise for not updating recently. Sadly, school exists lol. Lygs,

Zahra xxx

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