The story. 🍋

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A/N So all the lyrics are made up by me. I didn't take them from anything at all but I don't write out the whole song so I'm not worried about copywriting, there will only be the one update, it was too long to be in my oneshot book. 🤷

Switch DekuBaku ✌️

I was just about to start middle school when it happened, how could I ever forget the day I got the call?

"We love your voice, you have amazing talent. You want to remain anonymous? Fine, you can pick a stage name. It's kind of odd for someone to use their real name anymore anyway. Grab your drummer and be here in an hour." They hung up before I could really answer and I was left hyperventilating, thankfully the call was on speaker and my best friend Kacchan was sitting next to me during the call.

"Fucking yes! Let's do this!" He cheered and before I really knew what was happening I was being rushed out the door and Kacchan, Mom, Aunty, Uncle and I were in the car and going to the studio. I am a professional singer, an idol to millions of people.

Of course I didn't start out that way but that is how it is now. I, Izuku Midoriya, am Dekiru the number four male singer in all of Japan and I am only 17 years old. I just also happen to be Deku, a hero in training.

"Oi Nerd! What are you spacing out about now?" Kacchan snapped at me and I just chuckled nervously.

"Sorry Kacchan, just another idea is all." I saw him raise an eyebrow in question and I just smiled bigger, he nodded his head understanding what I was saying.

I have a new song idea and needed to play it to make sure it was coming together right. Classes went by like they always do and thankfully today is Thursday so Mom and Aunty will be here to pick us up tomorrow for the studio. If I can get the song straight before then we could even get the song recorded this weekend!

Once we were back at the dorms Kacchan walked by shoulder checking me in the process, our secret code to meet in his room. I hold back the urge to roll my eyes, where else would we meet? I mean his room and Jiro's are the only ones that are soundproofed. I tell everyone that I still need to do my homework from today and video call my mom. I mean I'm not lying, I do still need to do those but I only have around five minutes of homework left and I video call mom every night before bed.

They all tell me I need to not work so hard and I can't help giggling at that. If they knew exactly how hard I actually work would they even be able to compare themselves to Kacchan and I? But at least I'm not conceited like a certain sexy blond I know. I take the elevator to my floor and quickly change before opening my window and look around carefully.

When I'm sure the coast is clear I lock my door and climb out my window and scale the two floors up and one room over to Kacchan's open window. There is a very specific reason he never lets anyone into his room.

I crawl inside and close the window, locking it and closing the soundproof shutters in the process.

"So what kind of song is it this time?" Kacchan asked, his tone much more relaxed now that we aren't doing our bully/victim routine.

"You'll see first, have a look at the music sheets so we can play it. I need to make sure the melody is right," I handed him the pages and started setting up my guitar while he looked it over. He was nodding in time to the tempo that I wanted and then he set the sheets on the music stand and we started playing.

"It has a good beat now does it have good lyrics?" Kacchan smiled and I sighed giving in before handing him the lyric sheets.

"Power inside, lost but not forgotten. Tears that can't be shed well up..." Kacchan whispers, humming a little as he did. When he finally finished he looked up smiling.

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