Ch - 8 [You're A Confusing Yet Beautiful Work Of Art]

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Saiki speaks in other people's mind like this : "My name is Kusuo Saiki."

Saiki thinks to himself like this : "My name is Kusuo Saiki."

Saiki speaks out loud like this : "My name is Kusuo Saiki."


"Students today, not only are you going to draw each other. But you're also going to be writing a poem on any topic you'd like!" Spoke the art teacher enthusiastically. Her students giving the polar opposite reaction she was hoping for.

Kajiyashiki just sighed, she planned on going with Saiki, considering he seemed the most easy to draw. Annoyingly enough, somebody else also wanted to be Saiki's partner.

Saiki on the other hand, was in two dilemma's. The first dilemma he had solved quite easily, considering he just needed to not pick Teruhashi and he'd be fine. His second dilemma being that due to his disability [his psychic powers], anything and everything he drew would look overly realistic. Literally!! He could make Leonardo Da Vinci's art look like a toddlers drawing!

But that was not the point. The point was that he needed to figure out how to draw Kajiyashiki without making it look like he printed a black and white picture of her.

And how was he going to do that?- 


In the end his plan had ultimately worked. 

Thankfully the person above may have hated him, but not too much...

When he was trying to draw Kajiyashiki, it had indeed failed. He was unable to draw his friend at a level of a highschooler, but luckily enough when the teacher had called time, Saiki's notepad was empty. He didn't have anything drawn and nothing looked bad.

Thankfully enough, another fellow psychic, named Aiura, had come up with a great idea. 

"Saiki has nothing on his book to prove the pureness of Kajiyashiki!! He means to show that Kajiyashiki is so perfect that he could only leave the paper as white and as pure as her!!" She hollered out, so that nobody would make fun of her friend.

Saiki on the other hand blew out a breathe he didn't know he was holding, "Yare yare... In the end it worked out..."

Kajiyashiki, now shy to show her drawing, as she had 'stained' the book with her drawing reluctantly turned her sketchpad, to show her drawing.

Saiki widened his eyes.

It was a picture of him and her, in the cafe eating coffee jelly and strawberry yogurt. She was laughing while Saiki had a slight smirk no one would notice unless they squinted and looked closely.

"It... Looks nice." Saiki said, turning his head to the side as he calmed his stupid heart that was beating at an abnormal speed. Kajiyashiki smirked,"Liked it that much?? Ku-chan?~" She teasingly asked.

Saiki's eye twitched yet again, as he raised his sketchpad to hit her lightly on the head.


Lunch break had come waltzing in as the school bell rang.

Saiki walked down the corridors and into the garden that decorated the school's back. He had picked up his lunch on the way, and had finally sat on the ground.

His green pants somewhat dirty due to the grassy but slightly muddy ground. 


Kajiyashiki walked down the steps looking for her pink haired friend. She wanted to trouble him with some math homework and knew that if he said no she would just use her words. After all she hated using her powers on people she cared about... But this was math.

So, determined, she walked around the school campus, searching for the pink-ette.

In around fifteen minutes, she had spotted a pink blotch of hair on the green. 


"Kuu!!" Kajiyashiki spoke out loud, trying to call out her friend as he moped about on the grass. "What do you want nuisance #10." He asked with an annoyed tone.

Kajiyashiki sighed, "I need help in ma-" "No." 

"Kuu, please!!~" She begged, putting her hands together as she closed her eyes tightly, a cute pout on her lips.

Saiki sighed, "Fine, nuisance #10."

"Can you stop calling me that?-" 

"Will you leave me alone then?"


"That's what I thought."



Art teacher = Children today I want you all to hand in your poems!

-Everyone hands it in-

*The next day*

Art teacher = Children all your poems were excellent!! Your graded papers will come in today. Also... Kajiyashiki, would you like to go for counselling??

The entire class, other than Kajiyashiki = Huh?? What happened sensei??

Art teacher = No no, n- nothing, r- r- really...

Kajiyashiki chuckling nervously = Ha ha, might've scared the teacher a little bit huh?-

Saiki in his mind = You, Kajiyashiki, are a confusing but beautiful work of art...

Kajiyashiki looks over at Saiki and winks at him, then shoots finger guns cause she's hot like that.

Saiki in his mind, again = Damn, that's hot.


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