Part 1- Leaving

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*Kellin's POV*
"The straw that broke the camel's back." I hear that saying a lot, but I've never felt that it applied to me. I've had so much go on in my life that I figured nothing could ever really get to me. An alcoholic mother, an abusive father, bratty siblings, and a school full of kids who hated me- none of that bothered me. So why am I packing my most valuable things in a bag, stealing money from my dad, and running away? Well, I guess you can say that the saying finally applies to me. I couldn't stand one more day of the gay slurs from my mother, getting my ass kicked by my father, having my siblings laugh at me behind my back, or getting stared at and made fun of at school. I'm 17 so I'd only have to wait about a year before school is over and I can move out, but I know I won't make it that long.
It's about 1 am, so I figure it's safe to just walk out the front door instead of jumping out of my second story window. I grab my bag that I've packed with just the bare necessities and head to the door. I don't turn around to give anything a "last look" because I feel as though I took my last look of this place years ago, before all the pain and sadness. I almost stop to take one last look at my little brother's room. He isn't in it of course, since he died a few years ago, but if there's any room in the house that truly holds meaning, it's his. If I want to get out of here soon, I better not let my emotions get the best of me, so I walk past his room
My assumption that everyone would be asleep was wrong because I quickly noticed that my mother was still up. She was just sitting at the dinner table, drinking straight from the bottle. I tiptoed past her and almost reached the door when I heard her start to speak
" I wouldn't blame you for running away, if that's what you're planning on doing right now," she said, taking a sip of her wine in between, "just get out before your father wakes up."
Well that was unexpected, but I didn't have time to think about it, so I took her advice and got out. I slammed the door loudly so that everyone would wake up and realize that I'm gone, now that they can't do anything about it. I wondered for a second if they would do anything. Maybe come and look for me or at least miss me. I highly doubt I even cross their mind most of the time.
I walk for about 10 minutes before I've reached my destination, Justin's house. Justin's my best friend, and the only friend that would wake up at 1 am to let me into his house and sleep on his couch for a couple hours. He's also convenient too, since his room is on the first floor. All I have to do is just knock on the window. Nothing fancy like you see in the movies, throwing rocks at the window and the climbing up the balcony. Just a quick seven knocks (a code we made up a long time ago) and I'm in.
"Dammit Kellin, I was really trying to sleep ya know." Justin complained as he opened the window and let me in.
"Dude I know, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." I replied, swinging my stuff on the floor and hopping in.
"My dad's sleeping on the couch tonite, so you can sleep at the bottom of the bed." he said as he grabbed the spare blanket and pillow we keep under his bed for whenever I come over.
"Why's your dad on the couch?" I asked.
"Well, let's just say, my mother went through his phone." he said.
I've only ever had to sleep at the bottom of Justin's bed once, and it was terrible. I could barely sleep at all because he kept kicking me the whole night, I already knew I wasn't going to be getting a lot of sleep, but now I knew i printable wasn't going g to be getting any sleep at all.
"Alright, well, I'm going back to bed. You bet the bottom half, sorry if I kick you, night." He said before jumping back into bed.
"Okay, thanks for letting me stay, night." I replied.
I walked back over to his window and looked outside. I could see over at my house that the lights were still turned off, meaning not one person had woken up to see why the door was slammed. Nobody cared if someone was leaving at 1 am, nobody cared about anybody. Although I have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm gonna go, I'm so glad that at least I'm not over there anymore.

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