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*Vic's POV*
New clothes. New haircut. Maybe even a new outlook on things. These were the things I've gotten to help boost my confidence as I'm entering the doors to my new job. A bookstore- not much but it's cozy and pays enough for me to live on my own in a little apartment. 20 years old and I'm just moving out of my parent's house. Not by choice though, but once they found out I was gay...let's just say I'd rather live anywhere but there. I always thought my parents would be there to help me through everything, I mean that's what they always told me. I just didn't know that in order for those words to be true, I had to like women. Oh well, it's their loss anyways.
As I walk through the doors I am greeted at the door by a loud and energetic man. The man I talked to on the phone to get this job.
"Hi! You must be Vic! I'm Jaime!" He exclaims almost a little too excitedly, reaching to shake my hand.
"Hello. Uh, nice to meet you in person." I say back, shaking his hand. He tells me to follow him as he leads me to a big desk over in the corner. It's filled with books, CDs, and DVDs.
"So I figure since you're new here, and this is your first time inside the store itself. I'll just show you where the general items go. It's really simple so you'll get the hang of it in no time." He eagerly explains as he picks up a stack of items. I proceed to follow him around the bookstore for the next 25 minutes as he tells me how to find things and sort the items and escort customers to their desired locations. I will say that it is fairly easy, almost a little boring, so I'm hoping there's some other employees or some regular customers.
"How many other employees are there?" I ask
"Well as of now, just you and I."
"Wow, why so few?"
"I just never found the right person I guess." He says, making brief eye contact with me before looking away.
"Oh, okay. So um, when do I start?" I ask, immediately noticing the awkward tension all of a sudden.
"How about, well let's see, today's Monday so I'm thinking Wednesday or Thursday." He replies. I'm tempted to ask him why I can't just start today or tomorrow, but I figure he just wants a few more days of him being alone is his shop before having my company.
"Okay then, I'll see ya Wednesday."
"Bye Vic, see ya then." Jaime says, walking me to the door. I walk out and immediately realize just how stuffy it is in the store itself when a big breeze hits me. I don't have a car or anything as of now, so I just have to walk back to the little apartment my uncle is generously paying for me until I get a steady job. As I start to think about the job, I also think about Jaime. He seemed so excited and energetic until I asked why there weren't any other employees. He had such a big pile of books, CDs, and DVDs that I figured he'd have to have a little help. I felt bad, the question obviously made him uncomfortable...but why? Maybe after a while of us working together and getting aquatinted, I'll ask him again. For now, I'll just be grateful I have somewhere to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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