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I sat in the back of the class, jotting down notes. Or at least, trying to.

Josh Robinson and Mark Longhorn were vividly describing their wild night out.

"Yeah dude, I ripped her clothes off and she shook her ass on my dick. She was sooooo tight!"

I chuckled.

Mark looked up. "Is there a problem, Jackie?"

I shook my head. "What? No, no, it's just that if a girl is 'tight' she's most likely not into it. You're not as sexy as you think. If you're even sexy at all."

His eyes grew wide. "My 6 inch penis would beg to differ. She was totally into it."

"Yeah right. It was Emilie, yes?" He nodded. "If she was so 'into it' then how come I overheard her telling Zoey that she was going to dump you tomorrow night?"

His lip quivered before he fake laughed. "Yeah that's a running joke. You wouldn't get it."

"You're right. I don't get it."

~ ~ ~

I picked up my books and began to stand up before Mark pushed me back down.

"Woah there, Jackie. Sit back down. Did I say you could leave?"

I sat back down. "You don't control where I go. Move."

"Yeah, but I want to. You seem to have a lot of sex knowledge. How about you use it and come to my NSP this weekend?"

He handed me a crumpled piece of paper, winked, and walked away. I sat puzzled.


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