Chapter 2 - New Discoveries

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I scavenge through mum’s old work folders. The language scientists use is almost impossible for anyone else to read. Most of the folders have strange lettering on the front and when turned to the first page it has a series of numbers and diagrams.

                There was one case my mum always kept secret. It was unusual because she’d tell me every case she had even if I showed no interest, which was usually always. The only thing she told was that S.S.F conducted a foundation that would change the world. When she told me this as a ten year old girl, I’d always imagine that they made a discovery involving superhuman powers. I had no idea what foundation meant or what the S.S.F was. When I was fourteen years of age I saw the lettering ‘S.S.F’ on a letter mum received and left open. I had no chance to read it before she entered the room. I asked her about it, she dismissed it and told me not to mention the matter again. From that moment onwards I would always be interested in that case.

                A knock on the door startles me. I throw the papers I’m studying quickly onto the messy piles of other papers. I slowly get up, examining the mess quickly before I continue my way out of the study, towards the door at the end of the hallway.

                I open the door quickly and see two police officers standing in front of me. Their masculine musk immediately hits the senses of my nose, causing me to gulp and smile uncomfortably.

                “Miss McKenzie?” The taller man asks.


They both share the identification police badges.

“I’m Detective Robert Cummings and this is Detective Samuel Edwards, we’re from the NYPD. We’ve been investigating into the murder of your mother Susan McKenzie. If we could we would like to have a few words with you?” He asks in a serious tone.

“Sure, please come in.” I say politely as I open the door wider for them to enter. They whisper their thankyous and I close the door. They wait for me to lead them to a suitable place to sit, I decide the kitchen is much more cleaner than the living room at the moment.

They sit down on opposite sides of the table while I sit down at the ‘head’ of the table. They begin unloading sheets of paper from a suitcase, I did not realise they even had brought in a suitcase. I intently I stare at Detective Robert Cummings, the man that had spoken before. He has the biggest blue eyes and has messy sandy blonde hair. He looks to be in his early 30’s, the wrinkles on his face barely noticeable. He’s a very attractive man in my perspective. Then I closely look at Detective Samuel Edwards, he has an ‘army shave’ style of hair which is coloured dark brown. His brown eyes and skin are very beautiful. He is also easy on the eyes.

                They mutter words as I sit their patiently, I play with my hands whilst they prepare everything.

                “So Miss McKenzie…” Detective Robert Cummings begins.

“Please call me Amy.” I cut him off quickly reassuring him that this conversation is as casual as it can be. I smile awkwardly; they both quietly chuckle and then continue on.

                “We have some new information regarding the death of your mother. Last night a man named George Harrison, the ex-boss of your mother, was murdered in his home…”

I am shocked to hear this news. My mother always spoke highly of him, and occasionally caught up with him even after their retirements.

“Oh my.” I mutter.

                “We believe that someone is targeting particular people who worked in the industry of your mothers.”

                “We’ve brought in a few photos of alleged suspects, could you please tell us if you recognise any of these faces?” Detective Samuel Edwards says.

He shows me about five different faces none of them look familiar.

“Sorry.” I say.

Edwards goes to put away the images but before he puts them away I see the lettering ‘S.S.F’ on the back of one of the images. I smack my hand on that image. The police are temporarily shocked of my action.

“Sorry but could I look at that one again?” I ask.

They both look over at each other confused about the sudden action then slowly pass me the image.

It is of a male in his late teens, he does not look familiar at all. I look at the photo very carefully, pretending that I recognise him.

                “Do you know him?” Cummings asks, interested.

“I don’t know. Did he go to my high school?” I ask, knowing that they know where I went to school.

                “Yes! He has a brother who graduated the same year as you, 2011. His name is Mitchell Masters.” He says, awaiting a response.

                “Did he work with my mother?” I ask randomly.

“His father did. Mitchell doesn’t have a close relationship with his father. He has gone missing; this is why he is our prime suspect.” Edwards tells me.

                “Oh.” I say, unsure what to say next.

There is a short silence before Cummings picks up the image and puts it away.

                “Is there anything else you can tell us about the boy?” Asks Edwards.

                “No, sorry. I just recognise his face.”

He nods and the detectives stand up.  There big muscular bodies making me feel small. I then stand up and they make their way to the door. I open the door to let them exit.

                “Thank you for your co-operation. We will be in touch.” Edwards says. I politely nod as the men leave.

*                             *                             *                             *

I continue searching through mum’s papers, and a folder catches my eyes. It is different to the other folders. It is green and slightly larger than the others. It has in a big, black font ‘C.P.O – HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL’. I begin to open the folder, and I can’t believe what I read.

Miss Susan McKenzie’s Report

Extra-terrestrial Life Found on Earth’s Moon – S.S.F – C.P.O

20th July 1969

I begin reading the report my mother wrote over forty years ago. This is the case my mum kept secret for her whole life.

The report had images of the sleeping alien, who looked just like a human. I continued reading and found out as much information as I could about this man, or ‘alien’. They could not write up a personality report as he was frozen.

When I finish reading the report, I sit in the study dumbfounded. The realisation that the public does not know the secret discoveries made, scares me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2013 ⏰

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