🥀Chapter Thirty Three 🥀

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I called but didn't get any answer. I pulled my suitcase up the stairs and then went to my room. I guess he wasn't home. I was dropped off a few minutes ago by one of Mordechai's guards. Something was off because he didn't drive in the same car as me. Not even when we left the penthouse and was going to the airport.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing because I couldn't stand him sometimes but...it was just weird. Maybe it was because of what happened the night before. I was upset yet because I was just trying to help. But being himself he was just too cocky to accept it especially from someone like me.

I didn't want to go back out for the night but I was craving something sweet. I pulled on the first clothes I could find which was just a shorts and a two strapped blouse. When I entered the kitchen he was there and so was Margaret but I just passed him as if he was invisible.

I took the jam from the cupboard and took a spoon and started eating some. His eyes didn't leave mine for a really long time. After Margaret left the kitchen I removed my gaze from his and focused on the jam in my hands. All of a sudden I felt his body on mine and before I could move he had trapped me in spot.

I wanted to push him away especially when he started to get impossibly closer...but I didn't. I couldn't. I was in a trance and a very deep one at that. After the pulled away I went straight back to my room and thought about what happened basically the whole night.

I had no idea what was happening to me. I know the contract will be up in a few months but I couldn't tell the last time I thought about it. I was too focused on other things and even him!. He shouldn't be trapping me like that. Trapping me so I couldn't even bring myself to knee him for being so close to me at times. Trapping me so I get these thoughts questioning myself. This contract had better hurry up and expire before things go south.

After changing into something comfortable I took up my phone and noticed a missed call from an unknown number. My phone must've been on silent because I didn't hear it ringing. It started ringing again and I waited for a few seconds before answering it.


"Miss Collins, it's me, Mr. Simmons,  don't say you don't remember me?", he said with a little laugh as I half smiled. I wanted to ask how he got my number I didn't. I'll just leave it alone.

"I remember...what can I do for you?", I asked before getting up and leaving the room.

"The files I told you about, are you still willing to help me out? I want you to start tomorrow and finish off by Saturday. Is that alright with you?".

I groaned silently as I remembered that I offered to help him out. I didn't want to but I guess it was better than facing Mordechai at work for the rest of the week. I wasn't sure I wanted to face him as yet so I guess I will have to accept.

"Yes sir, that's alright", I replied as I entered the kitchen. I heard him making some weird sounds over the phone followed along by a loud cough.

"Are you alright sir?".

"I'm fine, thanks for your concern. Remember that you'll be working at my place and I have the best office space for you. I know I can count on you", was his reply and I smiled slightly. He didn't even know me but he was sure that I could get the files sorted before sunday. I guess I was that good at my job.

"Ok sir".

"Yes, have a nice day and I'll see you tomorrow", he said and I replied before the line went dead. I placed my phone on the table before hearing the sound of a car pulling up. I knew it was Devin so I sat around the table and waited for his entrance.


I laughed silently when I heard him calling my name. He entered the kitchen a few seconds later and smiled when he saw me. I stood up and he stretched his arms out and I accepted his embrace.

"Glad you're back and in one piece", he said after we pulled away. He looked extremely nice in his black jeans and tight fitting shirt. He was also wearing this super strong cologne that made me question if he went to visit his girlfriend or not. Perhaps. But why then would he be all dressed up and sexy looking?.

"How was Paris? Anything happened that I should know about?", he asked as he sat down and kept staring at me. I watched him intently as if I was trying to study him. What was he getting at? There was nothing wrong with his question...it was just the context and expression used. Example, his raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?", I say as I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow the same way he did. He only laughed before getting up and stepping closer to me.

"My mind is telling me that you are hiding something. It may not be any of my business but, you know you can trust me. Afterall. you told me everything about your past so you can tell me anything", he said before going to the fridge and taking out a light beer which was sorrel flavoured.

He wasn't wrong. I did tell him my past but nothing seriously didn't happen in Paris...unless it was the too close for comfort encounters with Mordechai.

"Nothing really happened...aside from me and Mordechai being too close a few times. It's just I don't know what's wrong with me. I use to be so eager to tell him off and challenge him but since the past weeks I just...I don't know. And ever since we went to Paris we've been ending up too close together. The funny thing is that I can't push him away no matter how hard I try. It's like he's trapping me -

"Ok stop".

I looked at him as he place his half empty bottle on the counter and gave me a serious look.

"You have feelings for him".

"WHAT!? No I don't. It's impossible!", I say out loud as I looked at him in disbelief. There was no way I had feelings for that arrogant...

"Vanessa, it's natural ok? You can deny it all you want but there will be a time that you won't. I don't know his feelings towards you and I'm not sure you do either. My word of advice, take your mind off of him. Whatever you're feeling right now it's just you or lust. Things will never work between you too because of how he is and don't you remember how he treated you in the past?".

I remained silent as I took a seat and kept staring at him. He seemed upset and I wasn't sure why. I had no feelings for Mordechai. I just don't. But why have I been feeling this way and have been questioning myself?.

"Vanessa, I'm not trying to hurt you but with the type of father he has and his reputation, he would never go for a woman like you. He's too cocky and his reputation is all that matters to him. I'm sorry he made you feel this way and...I'm sorry. It's for the best you get rid of these feelings from now, because it's a possibility that you may get hurt. The type of hurt you don't deserve".

When he was finished I walked out of the kitchen and hurriedly went to my room. I locked the door as quickly as I could so he couldn't get to me. I ignored him calling my name as I slid down to the floor and released a deep sigh.

What have I brought myself into? If it's possible that I have some sort of feelings for Mordechai, there was no way he would return those feelings for me. I wasn't his type. And besides, who would accept me with the type of past I had? I hugged my knees to my chest as my mind went into so many directions. I was thinking about so many things.

I didn't want to accept that I could like someone again ; especially someone who was rich but it happened. I liked him. It was dangerous. It was a lost cause. Or maybe it was just lust since I haven't been so close to guy in years? Sigh, I don't know. I stood up before making my way to the bathroom.

I felt overly depressed.


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