Chapter 2- Wounded

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Chapter 2- Wounded

"There you are!"

Cerise turned around to the light of Hunter's torch hitting her face.

"You're not Cerise, you're one of those freaks!"

He was about to shoot an arrow again but she ran and with her speed and strength picked up Clawdeen bridal style. The girl she had only just met and left into the night, running wilder and freer than ever before, not holding back.

--Flash Back--

"Mom, why don't they like monsters?" A little Cerise asked while being tucked into the bed of their cozy cottage.

"Oh Sweetie, the town of Crimson doesn't like anything different. They think monsters will hurt them, because of what they did to Mayor Milton Grimm's brother. If they find out that you're half human half, half monster you'll be banished or..."

"It's fine mom, I won't be because I have this" Cerise said, covering her ears with her red cloak.

"That's right dear, You must keep it on at all times" Her mom said, blowing out the candle and stepping out of the room.

"Now get some rest sweetie, and remember I'll always love you for who you are"


Cerise was only 9 when she had learned that people didn't like anything that was different, and to be accepted she had to hide, to keep her parents secret and for her own safety. It was a burden she was willing to bear to keep her family safe.

Her dad had to leave when she was young due to the discrimination towards monsters, but everyone else had been told her dad had died not knowing he was still alive and a monster.

Mom had always been protective and in fear of their secret getting out she wasn't allowed outside often and she knew those rules would get even tighter when her mom found out what was happening. She wondered how her dad was and where he was now. Was he living in fear just as her and her mom have been?

She looked down at the woman in her arms, a monster as well. Maybe that's why she felt for this stranger, because she too was a monster. She had probably gone through something similar involving the normies.

With her mom being a doctor of the town Cerise had always helped with the wounded and sorta knew what to do, luckily it was just a flesh wound and did not hit any arteries.

But the next step is what worried her.

In order to get the arrow out she would have to painfully push it through. She didn't have any alcohol so she wouldn't be able to numb the pain in any way and she wouldn't have anything to sanitize it so it could possibly get infected.

She laid Clawdeen down on the nearby ground. They had been far away from the hunter by now and it was still pretty dark out.

"It's going to be ok, I'm trained in this," Cerise said, trying to calm her down like her mom did with patients.

But the lady had been grunting in pain, Cerise put her cloak to her mouth so she could bite down on something for the pain she was about to feel.

Quickly, she pushed the arrow through the leg, Along with a muffled scream from the poor patient. Normally her mom would do it so this was her first time. It was hard to watch but it was something she was used to seeing.

Cerise put the bloody arrow in her bag not wanting to leave evidence in case the hunter was after them but that was the least of her worries.

She ripped off a part of her cloak and wrapped it around Clawdeen's injured leg.

The Crimson Secret- A Cerise x Clawdeen Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now