That's Dangerous Dumbass-

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                                                                       ~Magic Time Skip~

Third Person POV:

                                     For some reason BTS are currently shopping, broken up into groups they scatter across the mall. Conveniently enough guess which two are in the same group? Yup you guest it, Taehyung and Jin. They're job is to just get snacks, simple right? So they should be able to wrap this up really quickly as well right? WRONG! Jin is still going through this awkward phase with Tae after what had happened the other night.

Jin just wandering (in mind): "No cuz he has a point...why did I let him in? Why do I always give this guy so much leeway with literally everything ,he gets away with everything too it's like he can do no wrong in my eyes. And tf did he mean by the 'is this something friends do' line???? I mean I don't think so but isn't it different with us??? CUZ WE'RE CLOSER THAN THAT! Wait- What... We're closer than friends right? Wait what if he only sees me as a friend???? WTF DO I DO THEN????"

Tae for the past minute: "Jin hyung...Jin hyung are you ignoring me?"

                                   Jin still being taken over by his thoughts not answering Taehyung back so he kept walking.

Tae getting a bit annoyed now: "Tsk...Seokjin!"

                                    Jin was so startled by this he paused and dropped everything that was in his hands, his eyes even widened as he turned around.

Tae still a little annoyed: "I know you're probably not as comfortable around me because of the other night but that doesn't mean you can just ignore someone..."

Jin in shock: "I didn't mean to! I really didn't mean to."

Tae bending down to pick up the snacks Jin dropped: "Hm? What's on your mind that's so important that you can't even hear when people are talking to you?"

Jin boldly: "You."

                                    Taehyung was way to caught off guard by this so he ended up dropping the snacks again. His facial expression twisted to a confused shock state because he just couldn't believe Jin would say something so..."Tae" like. Taehyung knew he was blushing too so he picked up the snacks and turned right back around while pacing to the casher.

Tae flustered: "Ugh...Jin hyung...why are you like this..."

Jin trying to catch up to him: "Huh???What am I like??? And slow down! I don't get it!"

                                    When they finished buying the snacks they had a long walk of silence to the meeting point where some of the other guys were waiting, still not speaking a word when they got there Jungkook became curious.

Jungkook: "What's with this weird tension between you two? It's ruining the chill vibe~"

Suga: "Yes. Vibe is very off right now."

Jungkook: "When tf did you get here?!"

Suga: "What do you mean? I was always here."

Tae & Jin: "Pfffft-"

                                       They locked eyes after laughing simultaneously then burst out in laughter right after. Oblivious to them Jungkook and Yoongi were now looking at them confused because they both weren't talking just a second ago but now they're laughing like 'besties'. When everyone got back to the meeting point they all agreed to just head back home since J-hope and Jimin were both tired. The car ride home was a very basic one, but when they got home is when Jin's thoughts started taking over again, his brain had a whole new topic to stress over, "What am I to Taehyung? What do I think of him???" Poor man was trapped in his own head over one sentence. When everyone was settled he went to take a shower...but he made sure Tae was preoccupied before he stepped foot in that bathroom because he didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. When he was done he went back out to the living sitting next Taehyung...except he didn't notice he was actually sitting next to him until Taehyung called out his name, Jin tried to make a stealthy escape which was him just trying to get off the chair and running away, but Taehyung knew exactly what he was trying to do and pulled him right back down. Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jin trapping him in place.

Tae curiously: "Why are you so absent minded today?"

Jin unsure on how to answer: "Uh...I don't know..."

                                      Taehyung looked at Jin's red face while Jin was trying his best to watch everything but Taehyung. This made Taehyung have a soft, warming smile.

Tae: "Is it what I said in the bathroom that day?"

Jin flustered: "Huh-"

Tae: "If that's the case just forget about it, I don't want you feeling uncomfortable around me anymore."

                                       This kinda ticked Jin off, since he'd been thinking about it for so long and Tae just wanted him to "forget about it". Jin flew off the couch, stood infront of Taehyung frowning down at him.

Jin annoyed: "Why do I just have to 'FoRgET' about it????"

Tae trying to figure out what he did wrong: "Huh- Because you seemed??? You know???Out of it??"

Jin: "Yeah but I'm still thinking about my answer so you can't just tell me to forget okay! It makes you seem selfish..."

Tae still very confused: "Uh...What do I do then?"

Jin: "Just give me time okay?"

                                        Jin walked off without saying another word (seems like a hobby of his at this point). Taehyung was still shocked and baffled. He could even say anything, he sat their mad at himself not even knowing why he's mad at himself for.

Tae: "What the hell...Did I do something wrong again???"

                                        It seems our Jin played an uno reverse card on Taehyung because now he's the one sitting in complete confusion. 


Just wanna apologize if this chapter made no sense I literally had no idea where I was going with this and it's like 1am SO IM SO VERY SORRY

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Just wanna apologize if this chapter made no sense I literally had no idea where I was going with this and it's like 1am SO IM SO VERY SORRY


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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