this is a oneshot its just one chapter :0

426 17 24

okay so I might still post this on Ao3 so yeah. Enjoy ig??? I worked on this for a while and I'd love if you commented, It makes me feel like people are actually interested in my stuff :]

TW: Blood, injury, kidnapping, bruises

if i missed any tell me plz <3

A curt knock on the lid of his barrel woke Gill from his sleep.

He popped the lid off and looked out to find a very tired Chip, waiting for him to get up. "It's your turn for watch buddy" Chip yawned, already making the trek across the cabin to his hammock. Gill clambered out of his barrel and stretched. He almost felt bad for Chip as he watched his friend yawn again and almost imminently fall asleep. having the middle watch was always the worst, it made you feel like you didn't get enough sleep no matter what. Gill was fine with the first watch, it just meant he stayed up late, But last watch was always his favorite. He got to hang out in the early hours of the morning, watch the sunrise, and get in some good training. He finished stretching and after a couple seconds, he scooped the excited Pretzel from the water and put her in her bottle, securing her to his belt and grabbing his sword. He didn't need to take any time for his armor however, seeing as he had fallen asleep with it on.

He walked up to the top deck of the ship, and took a moment to look up and enjoy the night air. The clear sky hosted hundreds of sparkling stars, the half moon illuminating the ocean, making the small waves that bounced against the ship glitter with luminescence. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the salty air. He noticed a tapping noise and looked down at Pretzel, who made a cute squeaking noise. "Alright Pretzel," He said smiling, "We can play something before I train."

The two eventually settled on a game of chess, after a failed game of tag and a very unfair game of hide and seek. In the middle of the fourth game of chess, (Gill-0 Pretzel-3) Gill heard an odd creaking sound from the front of the ship. It was very unlike the normal creaking from the waves, it almost sounded as if someone were walking around, but Gill knew no one was awake at this hour but him and Pretzel. Gill cautiously began making his way forward, glancing around. Almost three minutes went by and he hadn't heard anything else. He figured a sea creature must have hit the bottom of the ship. He turned to walk back to the impatient Pretzel, who's eyes widened suddenly as he looked to her, when he felt something soaking wet, and very strong grab him from behind and dive off the ship with him in its grapple.

The cold sea attacked his senses, shocking him and for a moment he forgot he had just been grabbed. But the second of distraction disappeared as Gill began to violently struggle to free himself from the grasp of his captor He felt the presence of many others as well, but focused on breaking free. After a minute of struggling, he broke free. The first thing he noticed was the much darker surroundings, he had been brought far from the surface of the ocean. The second thing he noticed was who (what?) he was surrounded by. They looked like a mix between deep sea tritons and orcs, however, all of their faces were obscured by masks. Masks that were skulls of all sorts of creatures, ranging from elk, to wolf, to humanoid looking skulls. Each mask was also decorated and fit so that there were cloths that covered the entirety of the wearer's head and face. As Gill quickly glanced around him, he made a rough estimate of about 15 of them surrounding him, clearly not expecting him to have broken free.

"What do you want?!" Gill yelled at the large burly figure that had initially been holding him, while also drawing his sword.

"We seek the champion of the undersea." The apparent leader responded to him in a deep voice. He relaxed a bit, his sword dropping a few inches lower from where he had been holding it in front of himself.

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