Hiro x Tadashi Married

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It was a fine spring day in San Fransokyo, the birds were chirping and the city was busy but in a Chapel, two people were getting married and that would be the Hamada Brothers that were getting married to each other.
"Ok Hiro are you ready?" asked Aunt Cass
"Yes but kind of nervous" Hiro said
"Oh you'll be fine Hiro and if anything happens you could tell me" Aunt Cass said as she hugged him.
"Okay were ready!" The wedding director said. Aunt Cass grabbed Hiro by the arm and hooked hers to his. She was going to give Hiro away to Tadashi.
(Wedding Song: Here Comes The Bride)
Tadashi smiled as Hiro walked down the aisle and blushed when he winked at him. When Hiro got there they faced each other and waited for the priest to start.
Dearly Beloved, We are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony.
"Tadashi, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband"
"I Do" Tadashi said
"Hiro, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband"
"I Do" smiled Hiro
"Then its declared, by the power invested in me and the State of California, I now pronounce you man and man, You may kiss your groom Tadashi" the priest said
Tadashi grabbed Hiro by the waist and kissed him. Everyone clapped and Baymax did a scan
"Scan complete, It seems that Tadashi and Hiro's hormone levels increased and the mood they are in is Love" Baymax said ( Silly Baymax! )

Years Later, Hiro and Tadashi adopted a kid named Kenji and Kenji's adopted last name was Kenji Hamada.

Honey Lemon and Fred got married and had 3 blonde haired children named: Hannah, Logan and Lily.

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