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The first half of the game went by surprisingly fast.

The team seemed to be a little disjointed for the first quarter but after one of the opposing team members body checked one of our players, causing a time out, whatever Luke seemed to say to them in their huddle straightened them out for the second quarter.

By halftime, the other team was ahead by only a few goals, but our team didn't look worried. It's been a pretty close game and I think they had the right mindset going for them.

The halftime act consisted of the cheerleaders from both schools taking turns performing. The opposing squad went first, whipping out some pretty impressive kicks and flips that even had me admitting that they were pretty good.

When it was time for Middleton Oak's team, there was clear tension between all the members - it was clear that most of the other girls weren't taking kindly to Harmony being on the squad with them - and it was clear Harmony wasn't caught up with some of the choreography.

"I'm still surprised that Harmony wanted to go out for cheerleading," Liz mused as we watched the squad trot around on the field, showcasing cartwheels and semi-synchronized tricks with their flyers, "I thought she would've gone the artistic route, since she loved to paint, right?"

"I guess she just grew out of it," I shrugged, nibbling on some of the caramel popcorn, "She's much different now."

"Indeed," Liz agreed, seeming to have a whirlwind of thoughts on her mind about the matter, "Whose that blond girl down there?"

Interested, I tried to follow Liz's gaze, seeing about seven blonde-haired cheerleaders.

Andrew voiced my thoughts, "You're going to have to be a little more specific than that, sweetheart."

"Don't patronize me," she shook her head at him, causing me to laugh, "I'm talking about that really blond one. In the middle."

It didn't take a genius for me to spot Stephanie in the center of the performance, leading the crowd in encouraging chants, "That's Stephanie," I watched as she led her team into letter formations before turning to do a few cartwheels of her own, "She's the head cheerleader."

"Hm," Liz hummed distastefully, "I don't like her that much."

Surprised, I looked at Liz with widened eyes, "You know her?"

"Somewhat," she huffed out, shaking her head, "Luke's had her over a few times in the past. Something about a project, but I'm not blind to the fact that she's very touchy with my son, even when Andrew and I are around."

Something didn't sit well with me about that but all I could muster was a simple nod accompanied by my pursed lips. I wasn't surprised by that fact, seeing as Stephanie has told me countless times in the past how much time she used to spend at Luke's house. And Jared's house. And a handful of other attractive and popular guys in our grade's houses. But it was still difficult to swallow.

"Luke's told me you and she are friends?" Liz further inquired as the halftime acts continued on, "But I supposed he only said that so I wouldn't be so hostile towards her."

"Oh," I breathed, watching the field to avoid Liz's eyes, "Well, we're sort of friends, I guess. She's an acquired taste, you know?"

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