9| comfort

36 7 1

no matter how hard eunji tried to think about it, she didn't find the answer she was looking for. her past. he definitely knows something about her past. but how much? even her best friend, kevin, never bring up anything about her past and she never had any intention to brought it up.

eunji couldn't sleep. it was currently 12 a.m. and eunji's eyes still staring blankly to her ceiling. the mood around was dull with some crickets sound companying this silent night. she tried her best to not let her mind give her flashbacks of high school moments. but her brain did the thing she despised the most.

flashback to high school

"hey eunji!" her best friend, hyeri, called out for her at a distance. eunji was just staring at the window peacefully with her hand on her chin.

"stop staring like that, people might think you are depressed or something," hyeri sat on the chair infront of eunji. eunji didn't move a budge nor even bother to looked at the girl who was staring at her with concern.

"i was about to share some good news, but it can wait after all," hyeri patted eunji's head.

that soft touch from hyeri made eunji's eyes watery. she had gone through a bad fight with her parents, the regret came in late.

"now why is it this time?" hyeri asked with that low and soft voice of hers.

being eunji's friend from year to years since they were a small child, she had always knew eunji had a little bit of anger issues, which she is still trying to fix that temper of hers.

but beside that side of her, she always know her mistake first. she always came clean after losing her temper over little things. sometimes she needs awhile but most of the time she immediately admit her mistake. but never said she promise to not do it again. she knew she couldn't change that fast, the most she could do is to try her best.

"my dad won't change his mind," eunji said. her heart is still pounding with anger so she started fiddling with her hands to keep it in. "he still see me as a 10 years old, i had tried my best all these years to gain his trust."

hyeri stopped eunji for continuing the story since she saw that eunji's face is telling her that she will burst her anger out if she keeps thinking about that. she is used by eunji shouting but its school anyway.

"let's talk later," hyeri calmed her down and changed the topic to 'what should we eat today?' 'do you know my cousin went to a concert? i envy her so much' 'remember when you eat ramen while watching a comedy show and ended up choking til the ramen came out of your nose and you blame the show for it?'

end of flashback

"you bastard, if i knew that i wont meet you again, i would've tell the story by shouting like a madman in class to embarrass you," eunji let out a painful giggle.

"i wish you are here right now, i really want to hear that you are proud of me to change this much," her eyes started to get teary. she didn't hold back her tears and just let it all out shouting in silence since its all her fault to made hyeri like that. its painful. she had gone through the roughest moment of her life and still trying to get over it.

at some moment after she calmed down, her phone rang.

"what kind of crazy human that called me this late," eunji hissed and tossed herself to the other side of the bed to reached her phone.

eunji jolted up in surprise when she saw the caller's name, she was sitting on her bed before she could even realised . she coughed a few time to not make her voice hoarse and positioned her body straight. "crazy i don't think i could get mad at him.."

"hello?" eunji answered the call.

"oh? i don't expect you to answer, did i wake you up? im so sorry, i-" sunwoo's panicked voice blared through the phone.

"n-no, i haven't sleep yet, i'm still doing my job," eunji lied. in fact after crying her eyes were so ready to sleep but yet again if it's sunwoo, then sleeping wouldn't be her priority.

"o-oh i just want to ask work-related question too, i forgot to ask you before and it just crossed my mind now, i'm sorry"

"no its fine really, go on," eunji smiled.

"so as a senior, what would you think if your junior became the general manager?"

"what? my dignity will be broken into pieces i guess, but if the person is hard working, im sure they have a reason to promote a junior than a lazy senior, it depends of course"

"okay second question, if i am the junior..."

"WHAT," eunji stood in surprise knowing the fact that the junior in his question is sunwoo himself. well she worked hard to get higher position and now her crush stole it from her. what could she do? she roamed around her room while thinking about words to say.

"oh okay i guess i'm not hard working enough" sunwoo laughed at eunji's reaction without thinking much.

"wait im sorry about that hahaha....." she faked laughed with a bitter expression that could tell she was uneasy about it.

"don't worry, ill decline it and work harder!" sunwoo saluted.

"now last question..."

from his tone, eunji knew that he was hesitating to ask. she stayed quiet and waited for him to made up his mind to ask.

"did you cry?"

eunji choked up on her breath. dear eunji you had one job. one. eunji banged her head to the nearest wall.

"no?" eunji lied again.

"okay then i wont ask anymore question, but you know if you- well- actually cried, let me tell you something. i hope this helps but if its getting to hard for you, you can let me or maybe kevin know, we are a good listener and we wont judge. and um i just want to let you know its not your fault, don't be stressed about it and life is still a long way anyway. umm yea goodnight i guess"

"thank you," eunji started to get teary again. even do she knew she wont be opening it all up any moment soon but those oddly comforting words are enough to hear. 

"good night"

untitled | kim sunwooWhere stories live. Discover now