dinner finishes and the teachers tell you to walk to ur rooms to get ready for the whole grade
trivia night. a bit later triva night starts, you hear all the whispers and excitement of everyone.
the teachers explaining how it works and the boring rules, everyone sighs when they hear that
the teachers are picking the teams. when the teacher comes around to you they say the number
19, you walk around trying to see the table with the number 19. you see h/n sitting at a table,
you try not to look but see the number 19. they were in ur team, for a whole night you would
have to talk to them; all you can think about is how awkward this was going to be. pulling the
chair out carefully you sit. they look up at you concerned, but its okay theres other teammates.
the game starts and you begin to choose who goes first, you happen to have the class clown in
your team who quickly volunteers. they get up and do the activity so badly you cant help but
laugh, and they laugh with you. you both laugh together for nearly 3 hours, and when the
teachers sent you to bed you say bye and both get ready for bed. you say goodnight to your
roommates but dont fall asleep, you simply stare at your roof smiling. but after a while you
simply cant sleep, so you decide to go to the bathrooms. when you walk there you notice
somebody already there, you start coming closer towards this unknown person, but they were
not unknown. they were them.