part 6 (BakA da heRo)

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As baka painfully re arranged his suitcase with his tight skinny jeans and his favourite grannny pants which masta adored so much.

"Oh masta" baka inwardly thought to himself recalling how masta had reacted to the news of their one hour separation.

Masta had destroyed their little apartment which they'd often call home but now their home wa-a-as ruined.

All because masta couldn't handle it ,why you may ask? Well masta was a very naughTy naughty masta when he was anGry.


Baka wasn't ready to take the risk ,he knew what happened last time...

He pushes the memory away as his attention is taken away by the most  heart warming picture he had ever seen , it was him and his masta in the toilet .Baka was quite overwhelmed with the sight that he started to snort.

As it came it went , the feeling of happiness left baka as soon as he remembered the event that was soon to take place as he latched onto his backpack which was full of masta's pictures as his heart swells with delight.

Baka soon approached the door but he decides to make a retreat to his masta's bedroom when he finds....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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