obama-chan meets trump-kun and Biden-senpai

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Obama was having a normal day until he need some papers printed 🦄 so he go to the golden printer room taking his papers

On the way he accidentally bumps into trump-kun,aand obamas papers go flying everywherr

""Omg...im so s-s-s-sorry!!!!" Obama say like a cute anime ggirl.
Trump sniff loudly. "You loojing for a fight?"
Obama say "n-no senpai it was an accident."obama pick up his papers and hug it close to get chest
"I know youre lying.i will get you expelled from the white house." Trump raise his fists

Biden come running between them.

"Guys.stop.you guys are presidents.no time for fighting like children."
O-omg...my hero obama thinks.

"Fine.but tell judge judy i want him GONE." Trump walks away

Biden says, "Are you okay?"
Obama says, "Y-Y-yes...im great.Thank you my protector owo"

They stare into each other eyes then sakura leaves fall everywhere. Then obama says,

"I need to get going.B-b-b-bye" and runs back to his office like an anime?girl.

Obama didn't get his papers printed but Thats okay. He can always pay taxes tomorrow.

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