Chap 23: Start of the Walpurgis

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Guy Pov

I'm sitting with Leon talking about the upcoming walpurgis held by Clayman.

On the last day, Ramiris asked me if she could bring Rimuru, the ruler of monster and target of Clayman with her, and i naturally agreed 'This will be more interisting.'

After a few moments Leon leaft 'Ah, such a waste Leon, he is so cold despite having this pretty face.' he left me alone here, well Velzard then just appears beside me.

Guy : And you Velzard, do you want to attend the walpurgis ?

Velzard : No, this is a matter of Demon lord.

Guy : Oh ? Are you not intersted in this new demon lord ? What her name again, huh Rimuru i think.

I said and she flinched 'Huh that's rare.'

Velzard : I change my mind, i will come too.

Guy : Oh ? Why the sudden change.

She looked at me codly 'I never seen her like this before.'

Velzard : It's none of your business.

Guy : Eh ? Why being so cold. 

She just left me here 'So even Velzard is interested, this walpurgis will really be something !' a new era for the demon lord, fufufu.

Velgrynd Pov

I was relaxing in a garden when Rimuru-nee calls me and asks me to accompany her to the walpurgis, i refuse at first but then she told me about her goal 'It's true this will be the first time, all of us True dragon will be reunited.' so i accepted and i wanted to spend some time with nee-san.

I told Rudra that i was going to the walpurgis to visit Velzard and left the castle to the Jura Forest. 'Rudra has changed over these many years.' i still follow him but i don't know why 'I will think about it later.' i thought and reached at the same time nee-san town.

Rimuru Pov

Tomorrow, it will be the walpurgis and i'm calling Velgryng earlier to spend time with her 'I aslo need to sent the army to Clayman domain.'

I already told Veldora about him coming with us and he reluctantly accepted.

Velgrynd then arrived and went into my office.

Rimuru : It's been a long time Velgrynd.

Velgrynd : Yes, it's been.

I went over to hug her and we sat on a couch talking about trivial things 'Veldora didn't join us because he said he was sleepy.' tomorrow will be and long days, so he can rest for now.

After some hours, we went to sleep and Velgrynd slept with me 'She can also be a spoiled child sometime too.'

The next morning, i woke up earlier to sent the army.

They are all gathered in front of me.

Rimuru : Are you all ready !

All : Yes !!

I traded a few worlds with the different commanders and then started the teleportation and after a few seconde they were all gone.

'They will win for sure with the new power they got.' i thought and left to my office.

I then wait for the servant of Demon lord Guy Crimson's to come and take us with Ramiris and her two subordinates 'Well, Beretta is under my orders but it's okay.'

And i have my two younger siblings behind me 'Shizu is keeping the child so all will be fine for her.'

I was chatting with Velgrind when a door appears in front of us with a green haired maid coming out 'She is a primordial demon ?' so the demon lord Guy Crimson or the red primordial has taken the other primordial under him 'Quite unique.'

Misery : Greeting my name is Misery, Ramiris-sama i come here to pick you.

Ramiris : Yes, yes i come.

Misery : And you must be Rimuru-sama, you can come too.

She said and bowed a little, i just nodded and get up.

Rimuru : Yosh Velgrynd, Veldora come on.

I said and Misery flinched but regained her composure 'How professional, i like it.'

We then all walked through the door and arrived at a room with just a big table and 10 chairs 'Their name is 10 great demon lord right, not original.'

There was only one person and i looked at him 'So he is Guy Crimson, huh.' he is as strong as Milim.

I sit down at his opposite and stared at him 'My aura is totally hidden, so to other people i'm just a simple human.' but it's looks like Guy saw through me.

Guy : Hello, you must be Rimuru.

Rimuru : And you must be Guy Crimson.

He nodded and looked behind me 'He know Velgrynd and Veldora ? Well he is the partner of Velzard.' speaking of her, she just arrived and we made an eyes contact but she just went behind Guy 'I told her to play my game and not leak my identity.'

Sometime passed with Ramiris arguing with Guy and then a giant walked in and greeted Veldora 'So they are friends.' his name is Draguel if i remember what Ciel told me.

Then Ruminas come with a maid outfit 'Hahaha ! I know she is keeping her identity secret but...'

I just stared at her and she noticed my gaze and blushed but quickly returned to her senses 'Cute.'

Then demon lord Dino, a loyal subordinate of Veldanava entered 'He looks lazy.'

I just stay quiet, well just when demon lord Leon came up behind me.

Leon : You must be Rimuru.

Rimuru : Ara, and you must be Leon Cromwell, you know Shizu asked me to punch you in the face.

Leon : I don't think there any reason to hit me but if you have any problem with me come to my country, i will hear you.

Rimuru : I take that for an invitation then.

He just sat down 'Milim hasn't come yet, i swear on God so myself, Clayman if you hurt her i'll give you something worse than death !'as i think, demon lord Frey came in with Carrion ? 'So he's not dead and Frey betrayed Clayman, huh.' i close my eyes.

Then Clayman walked in with Milim beside him.

He walk with a smile on his face and.

Clayman : Walk faster, you dullard !

He said and hit Milim head.

3nd Pov

As Clayman punched Milim, the temperature of the room suddenly changed.

Velgrind who just stayed behind without saying a word just started to heat the room and Velzard freezes it, it's like a two-man fight, Fire against Ice but the killing intent was directed at Clayman who just stand here not noticing the wrath of two True dragon.

But a someone else was staring at him, no one notices it but the dimension itself has just been shattered and the time stopped but was directly recreate by Ciel.

Yes if it's not for her partner Ciel, Clayman would already be dead.

Rimuru Pov

Clayman you son of a b*cht, you're gonna pay for what you did ! Don't think about an easy life for now !

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