Chapter 3:

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A/N: Sorry for being M.I.A. I've been doing a lot of studying recently and have had my midterms so, I couldn't update. Hopefully I can update regularly now. Any ways, proceda a leer.

 3rd POV:

Becoming an official pack was good for all of them. They seemed happier than when they first came. All of them we're fulfilling their duties. Hyunjin love being the packs luna, he would take care of everyone and make sure they were always happy.

After some time Hyunjin started to notice he had some sort of gift you could say. He always knew that if you were a pack luna, you'd get some sort of special gifts. You could feel your packs emotions and you could identify who in the pack were mates.

As he started to notice these special gifts of a luna, he also noticed how everyone of his packmates had their own mate near them. He knew for a fact who were mates, but he just couldn't tell them yet. Not until their own wolves noticed.


One day while Hyunjin was sitting down in the living room he heard footsteps coming his way. Once he looked up, he was surprised to see Jeongin standing in front of him.

"Hi, my baby, what brings you here?" Hyunjin asked the younger boy. "Luna, I need to ask you something" the young boy said. Hearing this Hyunjin sat up and patted the seat next to him for the boy to sit down.

"What's bothering you sweetie?" Hyunjin asked. "Well, it's not something that's bothering me, more like I'm confused about something" said the younger. "Go on, I'm listening" Hyunjin said.

"Lately I've been feeling things. Certain feeling I've never experienced. Whenever I see a certain pack member I have this type of feeling, like I want to protect them, love them, and never let them go. I don't understand why" said Jeongin while looking at his luna.

Hyunjin knowing and understanding what was happening smiled at the young boy and spoke "Honey, that's your wolf hinting at you that you've found your mate. Whenever your mate is near you, you'll feel all of that and more. Your wolf is just letting you know that he's here. Now, I don't want to seem pushy but if I'm not mistaken, you're talking about Seungmin right?"

When Hyunjin said Seungmin's name the young boy looked at him with wide eyes. "How do you now?" he asked. To which Hyunjin replied "It comes with being the pack luna. You get some type of gift to feel the emotions in your pack and know which members are mates. I know each and everyone of your mates. All of you have your mate in this pack."

The young boy looked at Hyunjin and nodded. "Should I tell Seungmin? I don't really know what to do" "You should, but only when you want to my dear" and with that the young boy ran off calling Seungmin.


A few days later it was Felix who approached the luna. He had the same thoughts as Jeongin and turns out his mate is Minho. Felix was scared given his past in his old pack, so he told Hyunjin not to tell Minho. What he didn't know however was that said male would have the same talk with the luna a few hours later.

As for Seungmin, he'd already figured out his mate was Jeongin, and when the young boy told him a few days ago, he'd confirmed it. The only ones who seemingly did not know were Chan and Jisung. Well, at least that's what Hyunjin thought.


A/N: I know this is trash and rushed but I really wanted to out something out today. Hopefully the next few chapters will be better. Thank you for reading!!

Also THEY GOT NOMINATED FOR MAMA!!!! I'M SO PROUD OF THEM!!!! I hope they win, but even if they don't I'm so proud of them. They've worked so hard for it. THEY DESERVE IT!!!

Bye fairies, see you in the next one. 

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Edited 02/17/2024 

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