Before the break

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They seemed to have an average relationship as my parents. I don't think they are married I've never seen any rings. My mom needs to work on her parenting, skills letting a 13 year old into a lab everyday? I don't mind it quite honestly I like going to work and watching my dad and mom do there things and help Nelson. My dad says to call him my uncle because they are good friends but I don't want to it just seems weird.

 My mom has been acting weird around my dad the last few days and I don't know why, Nelson has also been avoiding me. I think something's up between my mom and Nelson but I don't know. 

I'm homeschooled so I don't go to school in the fall, sometimes Benjamin (another Syntec employee) will tutor me. I feel like everyone's daughter because all of the people that work at Syntec treat me like i'm there kid too.

 It's Friday August 5th but my mom says we have to go to her office tomorrow. Sometimes I wish my parents work wasn't the only important thing besides me in there life. I like it when Nelson brings his kids because then I have someone to hang out with, he has a daughter and I son (there both annoying but it's something). I'm kinda tempted to sneak into my moms office and find out why she's been acting differently. 

 I have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes I look like my parents combined as people say. Both my mom and dad are blonde, my mom has green eyes and my dad has blue.

  I ABSOLUTELY HATE what my parents do to their "patients" being there child I know A LOT about their job and let me say it's BRUTAL. Sometimes I wish they would let me be somewhere else while there testing their patients, but I have to be near them at all times. I can't standing listening to them scream of pain and then the serum being rejected by there bodys. It's brutal and disgusting and sad. I would do anything at this point to take that image out of my head. 

I love my parents but there's time that I wish they had made a different choice. Like I don't understand why I have to be there when you murder people or when my mom and Nelson are basically having a fist fight, it makes my dad as sad as it does me. I feel like he tries to protect me in the dark, where my mom can't see that he cares about me. 

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