{Chapter 3}

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Alice POV:

Looking around the living room I smile at my family. Edward was playing piano, Carlisle and Esme were talking quietly on the couch, Rosalie was looking at a car magazine on the opposite side of the couch from our parents, Emmet was playing a video game sitting on floor in front of the couch, and Jasper was reading a book on the Civil War in a chair near the corner. I was watering some flowers when out of nowhere I got sucked into a vision and dropped the water pitcher. Immediately Jasper was by my side holding my hand while everyone stood a few steps away from us. My vision was of a tall guy with messy brown hair arriving in Forks. What stood out to me most was the bright orange jacket. My vision then changed to his and Rosalie and the guy kissing and lastly changing to where he was with Rosalie as a vampire. I came out of my vision with a squeal scaring everyone in the house. "What did you see Alice?" Carlisle asked me. I was still so happy at what I saw that Edward had to tell everyone "Alice saw a new kid coming to town, a guy. She also saw him being Rosalie's mate." "WHAT!?!?!" Rosalie yells out looking at us. I walked over to her "I know how you feel about humans Rose just please give him a chance. He was made for you. He is supposed to be with you, supposed to be part of our family, and he was meant to be a vampire." Rosalie didn't say anything, she just looked at the ground for a minute before walking away and going upstairs.

Lucifer POV:

Waking up the next morning was hard enough. Waking up to an alarm ringing as loud as possible in my ear was the worst was possible to start this morning leading to an alarm clock now in a million pieces on the opposite side of the room from the bed. Getting up I go over to my closet to pick out my clothes for the day and end up with this:

Finishing getting ready by doing the normal bathroom morning stuff I go down stairs to grab an apple and a water from the kitchen, say bye to dad and a see you later to Bella and go out to my bike

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Finishing getting ready by doing the normal bathroom morning stuff I go down stairs to grab an apple and a water from the kitchen, say bye to dad and a see you later to Bella and go out to my bike. Getting it out of the garage I put my helmet on and start it up. I was enjoying the ride so much that I was actually upset when the school came into view. Pulling into the parking lot like I expected everyone stared at me as I got a parking spot and turned off the bike. Giving myself a quick pep talk, I take off my helmet and got off my bike to start walking towards the door to the school with the gossip starting around me.

Rosalie POV:

Even after thinking all night about what to do about my mate and him apparently being human I still don't know how I want to handle this. On one hand, he should get to be a normal human who grows old with kids and a wife. On the other hand, what Alice said made sense about him being made for me, he is my soulmate so he is literally the other half of me. I get broken out of my hours of thoughts by Esme telling me it was time to go to school. Realizing the time, it is I speed to my closet to put on today's cloths and speed downstairs to the car with my bag in hand to meet my siblings to go to hell, oops I mean school. With Edward with Jasper and Emmet in his car and me driving with Alice in my car it took only five minutes to get to the school with our speeding. We all get out of the cars and stand between them while talking like we do every morning. A few minutes go by when the sound of a motorcycle caught everyone in the parking lots attention. The motorcycle parks on the other side of Edward's car from where we are. Turning off his bike, he took off his helmet and I stood shock at the hottest guy I have ever seen. Watching him get off his bike I got to see more of him. The first thing I notice was how tall he was because he was crazy tall. The other thing I notice though was what he was wearing. The sweatshirt was a little big on him but it made his look so cute and cuddly. How someone could look this hot and adorable at the same time I will never know. Realizing what I was thinking and that I was obviously starring was enough embarrassment to make me look down and if I was human I know I would be blushing but Edward's laughing at my thoughts would have made me as red a tomato.

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