15 1 0

cw: bug/m*ggot mention, emetophobia/v*mit,
As Doctor Frankenstein once said, "It's alive!"


THE CREAKY SOUND OF A DOOR hesisantly opening as it echoes through the hallways. No sound, no reaction. Just a few stirring in their sleep, dreaming whatever it is they dream of. And then the soft sounds of footsteps touch the cold, carpet floor.


<>The casket is brought out of the room thanks to the strenth of the ex-prince, once again giving up sleep for this. The hotelier is holding a bag, heavy with half contents. Licorice is too holding a bag, a bit bigger while holding the rest. They down the hallways, stopping when they think they see or hear someone. Patient as to not bring suspicion.

They resume when it goes away, quietly exiting the castle they had known. The forest under the night sky is hard to navigate to their destination. Trying to see landmarks with little light. Licorice is thankfully much mote prepare, grabbing out a lighter as he lights it up. It reveals their path, silently following it.

Out of the dark, decaying woods. Into the breathing, lively forest. The stars and the lighter is their only guides now.

A process that the hotelier wanted to see.

Put it over there, the necromancer signs. Earl, help me with this stuff. They both put the bags down, revealing candles, salt, flour, and wilted flowers inside. And a crowbar. . . what for? Who knows. Taking out the spellbook, Licorice flips the pages as he tries find the exact drawing. He should've bookmarked it when he first saw it.

Meanwhile Earl Grey helps Dar Choco with the casket, gently putting it down onto the floor. A soft crunch faintly fills their ears. "Do we open it?"

"I don't think so."

Licorice finally finds the page, excitedly showing the drawing. A seven pointed star with it's points sticking out of the circle. The tiny x is where the casket will go. "Grab the salt and flour!"

The three began arranging the dry substance, the star made out of flour and the circle of salt. On each point of the star, Dark Choco places a candle, it's wick unlit. He shivers as the wind passes by, the dry substance slightly moves. "Put it here", Licorice points the middle area of the star as he moves to the side.

Dark Choco picks up the casket with the help of Earl Grey. Carefully does the casket touches the floor, a soft thud and a cruch from the leaves underneath. Licorice places the wilted flowers on top of it, saying "This is for good luck. May we be able to run this smoothly."

Licorice then instructs then to lit each candle, handing Earl Grey his lighter. The smell of smoke is something Earl Grey finds uncomfortable, but he thinks he can handle it. Licorice hands both of them a paper, inside is the chant written in sliver ink. 

"You'll say these part I raise my ring finger. Got it?"



"We'll stand in one corner, like a triangle." Licorice guides each to a corner, him settling in one when done. He clears his voice as he holds up the spell books and begins.

"Sicut Mater Hiems et Pater Ver fatum annis elapsis decrevit, hoc corpus animam retro clamat. Alterum vitae casum concupiscit."

"Isti flores animam ad vas reducunt. Hoc corpus nunquam morte vindicandum est, donec tempus veniat!" Earl Grey and Dark Choc chant,  watching the wilted flowers slowly regain back to a lively state. 

"Vivat iterum rogamus!"

The ground begins shakes as they all stand in shock. Earl Grey falls but Dark Choco helps him. Licorice holds onto a tree, giggling hard. And it stops.

Getting out a crowbar, Licorice hits the casket. It does no damage. He hits it again. Nothing. He's about to give up when Dark Choco grabs it and hits it with such force. A loud crack rings thoughout the forest. They both wait for the noise to fade, resuming as Licorice opens it slowly.

And Earl Grey vomits.

Inside is maggots squirming all over, a disgusting smell filling up their senses. There's a cloth over the body, unmoving and clean. Dark Choco pats on Earl Grey's back as the poor hotelier gags. 

Licorice, however, is confuse, trying to calm himself down. "Huh? What's wrong? Did I. . . That's its? . . . All for nothing?!" 

He kicks the ground. Anger. "All of this work for nothing?! I did this for nothing?!" A failure. What a waste. But he stops when Dark Choco shakes his shoulder, almost about to yell at him but sees what the ex-prince is pointing at.

The body wriggles under the covers, a creaky moan escaping it's decaying mouth.

"It work. . . MY GODS, IT WORK!"

Earl Grey looks at the body, watching it squirm as it tries to speak. He's about to remove the cloth when Licorice slaps his hand. "Don't touch that! You're gonna end up with an infection! I thought you're were a smart clean-freak, not a stupid cookie!"

The hotelier's face only flushes, embrassed by his actions. "Ah, pardon."

"So", Dark Choco eyes the forest, "Now what?"

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