Chapter 1 Late

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SO I started this just for fun 

it addresses relationship abuse, anxitey, stage fright, and homophobic reactions. 

Lyra is really scarcastic and her tribe of weirdos are almost on par with her :)

This *in theory* is a short story I might add on, I might not. Depends if you readers would like me to continue or not.

So enjoy my idiots :)


It was nine in the morning when I threw off the covers in a panicked state realizing I was going to be late for introduction to physics, for the third time this week. I had no interest in doing the chicken dance again. My professor liked his students to be on time, hence the horrible embarrassment if you were tardy.

I danced into one of the many black pair of skinny jeans I owned and threw on whatever shirt looked decent enough to pass as clean. I scrubbed the racoon eyes off my face and debated if I had time to reply my makeup, I glanced nervously at the clock. I had ten minutes to get there. Guess I was just going to have to look like shit this morning.

Shoving my boots on, I started grabbing my thick useless text books off the kitchen table.

"Late again, huh?" My roommate asked as she ate her cereal. She didn't have classes today but she felt the need to get up anyway, what inspirited her to do that every morning I had no idea. Why be awake when you could be sleeping?

"Shut up Cass, you could of woke me up you know." I stole her spoon from her shoving three to four bites of her breakfast into my face until she started swatting at me.

"'Rov you." I mumbled trying not to let food spill out my face. I'm pretty sure she had called me by something other than my name but I didn't hear it because I was already out the door.

I saw Mr. Spar coming down the hall and picked up the pace.  No chicken dancing for me today. Sliding into the classroom with less than seconds to spare I searched for a seat, everyone else had already found theirs, it felt weird to be watched so openly by people you didn't know. I picked the closest spot to me.

"I see Miss Vance has deprived us of watching her do the chicken dance for the fourth time this week." The classroom responded by quiet laughing, I sunk down in my chair.

"You could just get here earlier you know." I looked to see who the whispering voice came from. Ah, the goody goody. I hadn't realised I picked the spot beside her today. She never missed a class and always handed in her assignments in on time. And despite the insanity that was university, she always seemed to be on top of things. I was a little weirded out that she was even talking at the same time as the professor.

"What do you care?" I asked snappily. I wasn't here to make friends, I was here to pass and please my parents. Get in, get out. That simple. A smile appeared on her lips.

"Guess you're right, I don't." I balked at her. Did she just sass me?  I didn't realise she was even capable of it.

Let's get a few things straight here, I wasn't known for being exactly pleasant. Most people had figured that out, others still insisted on trying to learn that the hard way. I had all the friends I needed already. The less friends, the less bullshit. I was a black and white type of person. After what seemed like the longest hour of my life I was finally free for the day. Best part about my Fridays was this was my only class. Goody goody waved at me as I slid out of my seat as quickly as possible as a normal person should do.

I more or less crashed back into res, Cass was still up but this time she had text books scattered around her.

"Are you ever not a nerd?" I scoffed at her throwing my book bag down on the couch.

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