Levi 2

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It was unreal. I acted so calm.. But my heart was racing.. How could I have a crush on a Titan?! And he's a BOY for god's sake. How stupid are you Levi?Ugh..
I can't believe myself. It was just moments ago I TALKED to him. Could he.. Could he have the same feelings for me??
No Levi stop being stupid..
Anyways, I had stuff to do. I finished my coffee and ran out to the nearest clothing store.
Something to impress Eren...
I'm totally gone now. Thinking this. It's so hard to fight feelings.
I was looking through some casual button-ups when a lady behind me asks "Going to the big party?"
I turned around. It was Lylix again. "And how do you know? And how do you know Reiner?"
"Who doesn't?"
"I don't care.."
"What's wrong."
"Get the hell away from me."
"Rude.. Fine then Mr. Grumpy."
"I'm going to beat you sens..."
She left.
Thank God..
I grabbed a black button up and some white pants with the whole outfit. Confusing. Yes. I went to check out and after I started to walk home.
As soon as I walked in the door I flopped onto the couch and watched TV.

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