Bad Day

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It's Sunday. Very very busy week. I can't even remember what cloth did I wear yesterday cause I've been soooo busy. Today isn't my day off either, I have a last customer, I'm with her for a shoot, having a mini break. Since we are gonna pack up soon.

Lily: thank you so much for today y/n, it was nice working with you
Y/n: thank you so much Lily. I hope we work together soon
Lily: I'll transfer the money as promised
Y/n: thank you so much, have a good night

I have been contacting my friend but she is not replying or answering, tomorrow I'll just go to her house directly since I have no energy. Tomorrow is my first shoot in the company, hope I get a good impression

Next Day

I started with my work and soon the shoot started and the ceo was present too to look if everything is going well, Yeji looks like a queen for real. Suddenly I saw Jeonghan too with designed clothes, he walked in and then started posing with Yeji, maybe they are doing a couple shoot too and he is a model but how can a model be so Rich? The shoot was going well untill Yeji's safron wear from her gown fell with all the beads spreading through the whole room, everyone went dead silent and ceo glanced at me, I just gulped with fear all over my face, sweat started forming on my forehead

Ceo: Ms. Kim, come to my office after 15 minutes.

Everyone stared at me, in 15 minutes I tried to fix her gown and left, I could see jeonghan who was staring at me signalling to prepare the money

Ceo: here

He handed me a paper with a pen.. it was.. resignation. I can't think of anything now

Ceo: you will not get your salary too

I only have 60,000 won. I won't be able to pay jeonghan and my carrier is ruined, no one will take me after knowing I was kicked out
All I did was stayed silent

Ceo: I thought you are a responsible person. You may leave.

I just passed by through everyone, I could hear someone calling my name but just ignored and went straight out

Y/n totally forgot that she has to meet Jeonghan, he kept calling her name but she just left.

Idk what to do anymore. I can't even go home- I mean that place anymore, don't have money to pay back nor for another home, I went straight to my friend's house without giving her a notice but her home was locked, I was just sitting there for hours but she didn't come, without even giving a bit thought, I went to a club to relieve my stress.

All I did was gulping alcohol through my throat. Suddenly a young lady sat beside me

Lady: ms are you okay? You seem too drunk, will you be able to go home?
Y/n: hmm I will, thanks
Lady: ig today many people are going through break-ups
Y/n: I got fired
Lady: oo-
Y/n: why did you break up?
Lady: you see that man there? I cheated on him and he broke up with me
Y/n: real-
???: Now ik why you didn't pay me, because you wanna have fun at clubs with men, huh?

I looked back and was shocked to see Jeonghan. He was rude, not his fault though, I took out the money I had with me which was 60k won and gave him all, not thinking who is gonna pay for my alcohol now

Y/n: aLl I hAvE iS tHiS
han: *sigh* you should go home now
Y/n: wHo ArE yOu To OrDeR mE
Han: you have debt, so you have to lis-

Before he could say anything, I kissed him. His lips were just tempting, I couldn't hold it in.
He didn't kiss me back like in dramas, ahhh my poor hEaRtEu. After the short kiss, the lady just stared at us

Lady: so YOU were cheating on me, huh?
Han: says the one who slept with her ex behind her bf
Lady: whatever

Saying that she left, I just looked at him with an innocent smile

Y/n: why are you so hot, I can't hold it in

I said while making circles with my index finger on his clothed chest

Han: I'll leave you home, tell me your address
Y/n: wHy dOn'T yOu TaKe mE To yOuR PlAcE?

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓• Yoon Jeonghan Where stories live. Discover now