🥀Chapter Thirty Four🥀

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"Welcome, Mr. Simmons have been expecting you".

I stepped inside the house as the maid closed the door behind me. It was a wonderful place ; so spacious and the decor had perfect shades of grey and white. Denver sure has good taste.

"I'm Ruth by the way. I've been working here for some time now and I can tell that Mr. Simmons has a keen interest in you", the maid said as I followed after her.

"What do you mean by 'a keen interest in me? All I will be doing is some paper work", I say as we made it to the stairs. She stopped and looked at me with a small smile.

"Trust me, if you weren't well admired, you wouldn't be here".

I kept silent after that as I followed her upstairs and into an elevator. She pressed a button and then we started to go up. I placed my hands in my coat pocket as I closed my eyes and went into my thoughts. I had a break down yesterday all because of what Devin said. I admitted to myself that I may have feelings for Mordechai but thats all they were. Or maybe it was just lust.

There was no way I could let him know how I actually felt about him. It would be embarrassing because I could already predict how he would act. The things he would say maybe in public too. He would leave me in shame and I would be ashamed of myself too to actually like him. I can't believe this was happening to me. I can't believe I was in this mess.

The elevator came to a stop and I walked out after her. The place was nice but I couldn't focus on it that much. My mind was stuck on the situation I've placed upon myself. At first I didn't think too much on it but now it's just all my mind is on!.

"He's in his bedroom getting dressed, wait here and I'll alert him of your presence", Ruth said before walking off and I took a seat in the lounge room. The view was nice as well but as I said, I wasn't too thrilled about anything at the moment. I sat there for a few seconds in peaceful silence before I was interrupted by my phone.

I groaned before taking it out and checking the caller ID. It was Mordechai.  I started at it for the longest before the call ended. I didn't want to answer...I didn't want to seem awkward. It started ringing again and I mustered up all my courage and answered it.


"You know Vanessa, this is the second time you didn't show up to work and left me with no information saying you won't be coming".

He sounded pissed. But I didn't really know why...I mean he couldn't tolerate me.

"I thought Denver told you -

  -wait, you're at his place?", he cut me off by saying. I thought his voice tone would change to normal knowing that am at Denver but it didn't. It remained serious.

"Yes I am. I offered to help him remember? When he asked at the office?".

"Hmm right. You could've called and told me that you won't be here".

"I thought Denver would've told you... but why are you so angry? You can't tolerate me so a day without me will be wonderful for you", I say as I waited for his response. His breathing was a bit shallow as I heard it over the phone.

"Vanessa, you are my assistant. I need you here. I haven't even had my coffee as yet".

"Let Tiffany get it for you", I say but instantly regretted it. I groaned angrily with myself because that came off so wrong. It was almost taunting. I was afraid of what he was going to say to that but I didn't end the call.

"I want you to get it for me. You're my personal assistant after all. I like watching you work and running my errands for me".

He did not just say that. The way he said it wasn't serious at all. It was calm and I could swear I know that he was smiling slightly when he said it. Almost as if he was smirking.

"Well, you're out of luck because I will be working for the whole week. So you'll see me on monday...sir", I said before crossing my legs and relaxing in the couch.

"Hmmm that's too long. But anyways don't worry, there will be stacks of paper work waiting for you".

I groaned deeply as I heard him chuckle before the call came to an end. He was so mean. I felt myself smiling after I place the phone back in my bag. I bit my lip as I replayed the conversation we just had in my head. I heard footsteps approaching and I stood up and saw Denver fully dressed in a yellow suit.

He really loves coloured suits. He smiled very brightly as he walked over to my side and held his hand. I took it and he kissed it...again.

"Ah Miss Collins, your beauty is so mesmerising", was his first words as I forced a smiled. He looked alright with his small moustache and perfectly styled hair.

"Thank you sir", I replied as he kept caressing my hand.

"Ruth will show you to the office because I won't be here. Just make yourself comfortable, if you need anything just ask her", he said releasing my hand and checking his watch. I glance at Ruth who was standing there with a bright smile on her face. She seemed overly excited for some reason.

"Ok sir...My boss called. I thought you would've informed him that I will helping you out this week? He was angry", I say as I watched his expression changed his lips went into a thin line.

"He's a business man, he should know how to improvise and besides I'm sure he'll have someone running his errands for him. You'll be working for me this week, and only me".

I watched as he smirked before checking his watch once more and then looking back at me.

"I'll see you soon, take care".

He walked away as Ruth gestured for me to follow her. I walked behind as she led me to a huge grey door. She opened it and I was greeted by a very spacious office. It was everything Denver talked about. A large oak desk and a computer chair, a couch set that was to the right of the room, a few different paintings on the walls and a beautiful view.

"Wow", I say as I stepped inside and inhaled the fragrance of the room. I went over to the desk and ran a hand over it. It was smooth to the touch and I knew how expensive the computer set was from the looks if it.

"The documents are in the cabinet, I have some things to get done, if you need anything just press the button on the wall".

"Ok I will, thank you", I replied before she walked out and closed the door. I took off my jacket before going to the cabinet and opening it. I sighed as I looked at the stacks of documents. I could hint that the ones I will be sorting through were the blue cover ones. I took some of them out and carried them to the desk.

I took a seat after turning on the computer ans started going through the files. This was going to be hard work because I had a time frame.

But, it's a good way to challenge myself.


I stood up and stretched my arms. After about three hours of sitting I finally finished the files I took out. And that was only a small batch. I was hungry and thirsty. I didn't know whether I should call for Ruth to bring me something or get it myself..
.? She's the maid after all but that doesn't mean you should over work them. I didn't have maids growing up either so I'm good at doing things myself.

But then again meanwhile she's fixing me something I could continue with the work. I went to the button and pressed and was greeted with a loud 'beep' sound.

"Ruth, are you there?", I say into the microphone but there was no reply.

"Hello, Ruth?"

"She's in the kitchen, who's this?".

I released the button instantly. Who was that? It sounded like a young person but I could be wrong. I stood there for a few seconds more before leaving the office. As I started walking to the elevator the door opened revealing a tall young guy dressed casually in jeans and a grey shirt. His hair was black and curly and he had brown eyes.

He looked at me for the longest before stepping out and making his way over towards me.


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