🥀Chapter Thirty Five🥀

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He looked at me for the longest before stepping out and making his way over towards me.

"Hello", he said as he looked me up and down. Not in a bad way but more of trying to figure out what business I had here. Up closer he was quite good looking and he had a deep voice which suprised me the most.

"Hi", I replied as we both started a staring game. I was only looking at his face while his eyes roamed all over me. I started to wonder who exactly he was and if he's related to Denver anyhow? Perhaps. I wanted to ask but I came here to work, not to be a questionnaire.

"So...are we gonna just stare at each other all day or...?", was his next words before breaking out into a laugh. Somehow I found myself following along after him.

"Nope, I have more important things to do than staring at a stranger", was my reply which he surprisingly seemed taken aback by.

"Yes I am a stranger but so are you. I'm Carl, Denver is my grandfather" he said holding his hand out for me to shake. So I was right, he was related to Denver somehow.

"Vanessa, I'm helping out your grandfather with some tasks".

"That's nice of you".

After he said that things went back to the silent zone but I didn't have time to stand and be stared at. I walked past him and made my way towards the elevator. His eyes were on me the whole time. Even when the door closed he was still staring at me.

Once the elevator came to a stop I went towards the kitchen but Ruth wasn't around. I didn't want to do too much searching so I left the cupboards and went towards the fridge. I found a box with ready made sandwiches and I took one and microwaved it. After it was finished I took a bite and actually moaned at how good it tasted.

I had so much paperwork to finish up and then Saturday I had a date with Keith. He wasn't that bad as in personality but I won't be letting my guard down this time. I heard footsteps approaching and I looked up and saw Carl on his phone. He stopped and smiled when he saw me.

"Do you think my grandfather will be upset if I brought someone over?", he said as I thought about what he just said. That was the most outrageous question ever.

"Ok first of all you can't ask me that. Next, it's not my house I have no say in anything so I can't answer that. If you want to bring someone over just call him and ask, simple".

He scoffed at my reply before going back to his phone. Another pair of footsteps were heard as Ruth entered the kitchen with a pleasant face as if something great happened for her.

"I want to bring someone over, can I?", he asked looking at Ruth who gripped his shoulder.

"Carl, you know that's not appropriate. Your grandfather won't like it. You remember what happened last time? You have an apartment, take the person there".

He started replying to her but I didn't stay to listen to their conversation. This place was beautiful as I can see why Carl would want to bring someone here. But then again something wasn't adding up because he had his own apartment.

After returning to the office I checked my phone and saw that I had two newessges. That was unexpected because I hardly get any texts and when I do, they were from the wrong persons. The person who it was from refrained me from opening the messages. Why would he send me a text and we were on the phone a couple hours ago?. I opened them and felt my heart skip a beat before it slowed down.

I have to be doing everything myself.
I kinda miss your annoying presence.

I smiled slightly before replying to his text. I placed the phone on the table and went to the cabinet for more documents. After sitting around the desk my phone vibrated and I smiled before taking it up. But my smile faded when I saw that it was from Franco. His number was different but I saw his photo. I was tired of blocking him.

Vanessa, I will see you again baby girl. Very soon.

I groaned before deleting the text and putting down my phone. Not only do I have Zed searching for me, I also have Franco trying to get me for himself. This was too damn much for one person alone. My mind suddenly went back to the fact that I had a date with Keith.

I wasn't going to let my guard down like last time but I'll definately show up. He seemed like a somewhat genuine guy but you can never tell with men. I went to the cabinet and took out some more files before dropping them on the desk. When I do return to work next week I can bet Mordechai is gonna kill me with paperwork. He's too cocky not to.

I smiled to myself as I thought about how he texted me about missing my presence. It's funny how you can at first hate someone then somehow finds them tolerable - no matter how arrogant they are.


Knock! Knock!

"Can we talk?"

I was lying in my room when Devin knocked on my door. I came home about two hours ago and took a shower and was planning to get some rest. We haven't talked since what he said that day. I know he was looking out for me and I know everything he said was the truth. And maybe I was falling for him, but that doesn't mean I'll fall on my knees. I wasn't stupid...I knew that nothing could ever happen between us... not that I want anything to happen.

I got up and pulled on a shorts before opening the door. Devin was standing there with a cup of ice cream in his hand and a small smile on his face. He looked somewhat stressed because his hair was all over the place as if he had been tugging on it.

"Hey umm, I just wanted to say -

"Is that ice cream mine?", I asked cutting him off. He laughed before handing me the ice cream and a spoon. I stepped aside and he entered my room.

A few minutes passed as we both sat on the floor with our backs to the wall in complete silence. I ate half of the ice cream before handing him the rest.

"I'm sorry Vanessa. The thing is I just don't want to see you hurt. I'm not saying people can't change because they can it's just...I don't think he can change. Plus family acceptance is everything and am not sure his dad especially will agree to him being with you".

I sighed slightly. The truth was bitter. I was conflicted. Should I just quit my job and find another simpler one where I don't have to see Mordechai?. That thought lasted for a few seconds because I remembered the contract. It will be up soon and then I could leave New York.

But was that what I really wanted?

I don't know anymore. I have people who I call real here and I don't want to leave them.

" I know Devin. I never wanted to feel anything but ignorance towards him for his cocky behaviour. He's not the type of guy I want to be with...no one is. If I have myself I personally thinks that good enough. You don't have to worry about me getting hurt, I won't. I'm not stupid enough to fall for him. Even if that means terminating the contract. I could always get a different job".

He was about to reply but his phone started ringing and he stood up to answer it. I took up the ice-cream and ate some more. There was something more dangerous than love and that was heartbreak.

Something I have no intentions of experiencing.

Sorry for the long delay but I wasn't too well emotionally and still not. I'll be trying to update as regular as possible from now on.


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