🥀Chapter Thirty Six🥀

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I smirked to myself as I dropped another stack of files on Vanessa's desk. She will be back at work Monday and I hope she knows that it's gonna be one hell of a week for her. After leaving her office I went back to mine and was suprised to see my father waiting for me. We barely spoke after the meeting back in Paris. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about marriage right now.

"Dad, what are you doing here?", I asked but he didn't even glance at me. He kept staring out of space before he got up and gave me his attention. Seeing hoe serious he was, whatever he had to say can't be good. I sighed in my mind as I waited for him to speak.

"This assistant of yours...Vanessa was it, what's going on between you two?", was his next words which had me in an unresponsive state. What was he talking about?.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me Mordechai, now tell me whats going on? Is it because of her you don't want to get married. I have some very dear friends who have beautiful daughters who -

"Dad stop. There's nothing going on between Vanessa and I. She's just my assistant ok and the reason why I don't want marriage is because -

"Because of what?! You want to marry someone you love?. When was love ever apart of it, success comes first then love and feelings. When I married your mom both of us was more invested in the business than our own marriage. Overtime we got to love each other- why can't you do the same?"

"Dad enough of this, I'm not ready to settle down with anyone", I say before taking a seat as I watched his irritated face. I had no intentions of a shotgun marriage and worse to someone I don't even have the slightest clue about.

"Maybe I should fire your assistant then, it seems like she got you so attached. You can't tell me anything Mordechai I know there's something going on. Just let me know if you want me to fire her".

I stared at my dad in disbelief. Has it really gotten to this? I knew he was gonna force me into marriage sooner or later but I guess I wasn't prepared for it.

"Vanessa has nothing to do with this and I don't think you have the right to fire her because you weren't the one who hired her".

He hummed for a few seconds before glaring at me. I knew better than to challenge him but I've had enough. He took his hands from his pockets before walking out and slamming the door. I could never read my father but I knew he had something planned.

I took out my phone and checked my messages. I half smiled when I saw Vanessa's and I conversation from yesterday. She must have been wondering why I texted her when I called her a few hours before. Well I had no one to run my errands and Tifanny has become intolerable so I didn't bother talking to her.

There was a knock on the door before Tifanny poked her head through. Speaking of the devil - here she was. She came in and locked the door before smirking at me. I can't tell the last time we've had sex. It's like I can't stand her anymore.

"I don't like this Chai, you've been ignoring me alot. Or did you forget that we are sex partners?", was her first words as she sat on the table and opened her legs. Don't get me wrong Tifanny was very attractive and a seductress at that but sometimes the simplest thing someone can do to annoy you can turn your mind from them.

"What is it?", I asked but she only smiled before climbing on top of me.

"You haven't been inside me for more than a month now and it's starting to piss me off".

I stood up after pushing her off my body. She sat in the chair looking puzzled as ever but anyone with half a brain should know when someone's interested in them or not. She pulled the buttons on her blouse and started displaying her cleavage. I swallowed slightly as I felt my pants getting tighter by the second.

"You can't deny me Mordechai and you know it. We signed a contract and right now there's so much work to be done in the bedroom. Especially from all the time we've missed".

I checked my watch and saw that it was lunch time. I sighed in relief because office sex wasn't something I wanted right now. Even thou she looked hot and wanting. A part of me wanted to call the contract off but I know she'll never agree to it.

"It's fine...since you don't want it. But you know where my house is and you can visit anytime", was her last words before straightening herself and leaving the office. I ran a hand across my face. The reason why we had a contract in the first place was because we both wanted sex with someone of high standards.

I took up my keys and left the office. I only had some coffee this morning so some lunch would be great. I saw how Tifanny was looking at me as I exit the elevator but ignored it. She was looking for something and I sure as hell wasn't going to give her unless I want it as well.

I may have to break the contract pretty soon because she had become so attached like a second skin. I told her that no attraction was a part of the contract but time can make things happen. I just hope she knows that nothing can and will never happen between us.


It was after six when I finally left work. Tifafny tried to get with me the simplest chance she gets and it was stressing honestly. My mind was saying that I've always wanted her body so why deny her now...that was something I couldn't explain.

The place was dark and the streets were less busy. After driving for a few minutes I stopped at my favorite restaurant. The lady who owned it was a friend of my father's back then so I knew her pretty well. As I entered the restaurant the first thing I noticed was the way some of the men had their eyes fixated on one specific person.

It wasn't their date I could assure you. No, this person was dressed in a black, thigh - length dress and a pair of slippers that had straps that came all the way up to her knee. Her hair was in a very neat bun and her earrings were sparkling under the light. She had her back turned as she stood and typed something on her phone.

I watched her for the next few seconds before I noticed this guy entering the restaurant. Something about him seemed familiar like I've seen him before but I couldn't put my finger on it. His style of dressing was way too extreme but not in a bad way.

I didn't fully recognize the woman until the guy sat down and she glanced over her shoulder. My mouth fell into a thin line as my eyebrows furrowed together.


"Sir, are you waiting on someone?".

I looked at the waitress as I realized that I was standing in the middle of the restaurant like some imbecile. I followed her and took a seat where I could see Vanessa's face. I ordered something light before I sat back in my seat and watched them conversate. As much as I felt like a creep I didn't care.

Her eyes met mine for a few seconds before she turned away with a smile. I smirked because no matter how happy she feels tonight, they'll be tons of paper work waiting for her on Monday. I felt my phone vibrating and I checked to see that it was Tifanny. I groaned before answering and putting the phone to my ear.

"Where are you Mordechai? Weren't you coming to visit me?".

"Actually no", I replied as Vanessa's eyes met mine once more. Her lipstick was a dark shade of red and I would be lying if I said that it wasn't mesmerizing.

"Mordechai are you even listening listening me?!".

I was brought back to reality by Tifanny's voice. I hang up the phone without letting her finish her words. After finishing my meal I took one more glance at Vanessa before leaving the restaurant. I didn't miss the glare Keith gave me but I just brushed it off.


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