🥀Chapter Thirty Seven🥀

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I wasn't dressed to impress.

I was dressed to look above average as the restaurant was a bit fancy. It was only a black dress that hugged my body perfectly and a pair of strapped up slippers that I bought two days ago. My hair was in a bun and I had in a pair of silver earrings. I just wanted to get this date over with. I wasn't interested in Keith but I didn't want to not show up.

I went downstairs and saw Devin staring at his phone. I didn't try to look instead I stood infront him as he looked up slowly. His face broke out in a huge grin as he eyed me up and down.

"Well Keith will certainly be drooling over you", he said as I gave him a half smile.

"It's bound to happen. I don't even know if this date will turn out good or not".

"Don't worry about it, if he tries anything just give me a call and I'll have his teeth on the floor in no time", he said in the most serious voice ever.

"I can handle myself Devin. But if I do need your help I'll call you".

"Do you want me to drive you or -

"No, I'll take a cab, don't worry I'll be fine and be back before you know it" I cut him off by saying. I didn't want to bother him.

"Ok fine, take care and I'll see you later. Oh and maybe I won't be here when you get back. I'm going to see a friend and maybe spend the night".

"Alright, I'm leaving now. Take care", I say as I turned and walked out. The fresh night air grazed my skin as I closed the front door. I made sure to carry a small pocket knife in my bag incase anything happens. It's a constant changing world and no one can be trusted.


After paying the driver who wouldn't stop staring at me through the rear view mirror, I made my way inside the restaurant. The place was beyond words and I knew better than to dress simple and casual. I saw a table towards the back but I couldn't help but notice how the men's eyes were on me as I went to take a seat.

The worst part of it was that their dates were looking at me like I was trying to steal their partners. I didn't ask them to look but I didn't pay much mind to them as I took out my phone. I received a message from Keith saying how late he was going to be. I groaned as I felt a wave of uncomfortableness washed over me. I will be sitting alone for the next couple of minutes.

My phone started ringing and I saw that it was an unknown number. At first I didn't want to answer it but it wouldn't stop ringing so I did. The voice on the other line sent shivers down my spine.


I didn't answer as my breathing became shallow. It was Zed...I was suprised he hasn't found me for so long. Or maybe he did but hasn't made a move on me yet...or maybe he knows where I am and was probably watching me from outside. I started looking around paranoid as I heard him chuckling over the phone.

'I'll see you soon love, then we can go back to how things were when you were mine. Don't worry your little head, I'll make sure to prove to you why you belong to me and only me!'.

The line went dead as I took deep breaths to try and calm down. I didn't even realize I was standing staring out of space until I felt a hand on my waist. Keith was looking at me with the biggest smile I think I've ever seen.

"Hey, sorry am late", he said as we both took a seat. I glanced over my shoulder for a few seconds not expecting my eyes to meet Mordechai's. I turned around immediately and directed my attention back to Keith.

"You look...stunning as usual but tonight, you're just over the top. All eyes are on you", he said as I smiled slightly. I didn't expect to get so much attention but men will be men.

"So, what would you like to order?", he asked as the writer came up to us. Keith started ordering but he wasn't looking at him. His eyes were directed fully towards me as he wrote down the order in a notebook.

"And for you miss?".

"I'll have the Chicken Alfredo with some extra sauce thank you", I say as I closed the menu and glanced at Keith.

"He should learn to keep his eyes to himself", he say before smiling at me. He was jealous but he had no right to be. We were just...how should I put it? Friends who will forever remain friends. I wasn't looking for a relationship and getting caught up in one right now will just ruin things for me. My life comes first.

We started talking about random stuff when my eyes wandered to Mordechai who has just taken a seat at the back. His eyes were on me the entire time he sat there. Even when he was on his phone his eyes wouldn't leave mine.

"-and that's how it happened", Keith finished off by saying and I smiled pretending to hear every word he just said. Our meals came shortly after and we dug in while glancing at each other occasionally. I watched as Mordechai stood up and walked past us but not before looking at me.

"Isn't that your boss?".

"Yes that's him", I reply as he nod slowly and averted his eyes.

"Umm, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back", I say as I got up and made my way to the bathroom. Once inside I shut the door and looked in the mirror. I felt this uneasy feeling in my belly as if something was about to happen. I don't know if it was instinct or I'm just being paranoid.

I heard some shouting coming from the restaurant and I left the bathroom to see this woman being held back by a security guard. She was saying a bunch of stuff as she pointed towards Keith who looked more embarrassed and guilty as ever!.

"You piece of shit, you slept with my sister and got her pregnant and now you don't want to take up the responsibility!".

I looked at Keith who I bet wanted to disappear so I did the only thing I could to save him from more embarrassing. It seemed like he had already payed the bill so I took his hand and left the restaurant. He took me to his car and we both got in.

"I'm really sorry about that Vanessa", he say as he looked at me. If I had feelings for him I would feel really upset about what just happened but I didn't so it was fine.

"Just drive, I need some rest", I say as I heard him sigh before starting the car and drove off. Well this date was not what I expected but atleast he knows now that nothing could ever happen between us.

"She was my ex ok? We were together for about eight months until we started having problems. She's always acusing me of cheating and I couldn't take it so I left. She called me a few months later saying she was pregnant and I told her I wanted to do a test to see if the baby really was mine and it was. I told her we couldn't get back together things would've been toxic. I promised her I'll do everything for her and the baby but getting back together is a big no. So because of that her sister hates me. Am sorry you had to witness that".

"It's alright Keith...just take me home. I need some rest", I say as I stared out the window.

Well, that was some date.


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