🥀Chapter Thirty Eight🥀

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For a few seconds I stood at my office door wondering if I was in the right building. I had to blink a few times to register what I was seeing. Stacks and stacks of paperwork on my desk. This was unbelievable and seriously unfair.

After closing the door I went to my desk and took a deep breathe as my anger started to rise. I shouldn't be suprised because with a boss like Mordechai this was bound to happen. He liked taking control and watching the people below him suffer.  These files won't be completed until next month.

Knock! Knock!

I didn't even bother to say anything because I knew it was him. I sat around my desk and turned on the computer. I heard the door opened before closing after a few seconds. I didn't even glance at him. Probably thinking that this isn't enough paper work for me.

"Vanessa, finally your back. I see you have alot of work cut out for you".

I could hear the mockery in his voice. I sat there staring at my computer screen hoping he would get my message that I didn't want to talk to him. I glanced up at him and to my suprise he was very serious. His expression didn't scare or even move me. Whatever he says next won't have any effect on me because I was too pissed to even care.

"I don't like being ignored Vanessa, I thought I told you that countless times".

I stood up and crossed my arms as I stared at him. He had his hands in his pocket as he studied my face. If it wouldn't land me in much trouble I would slap the hell out of him. I was human and this amount of work is way too much for me alone plus I have emails that I have to check and reply to.

"And why is that so hmm? Oh, right, because you're the boss and every should put up with your cra-"

"-Don't raise your voice at me Vanes-

"-or else what? You'll bring in more paper work Or minimize the due dates? At this point I wish I wasn't working here. I wish I never met you nor your family. I only did this for the money to leave the city and look how I'm being treated", I say before taking a deep breathe. I could feel the anger radiating off me in waves. I honestly wanted to give him piece of my mind right now.

I waited for his next words but nothing came. His eyes searched mine for a few seconds before he started coming closer and closer...his body was fully on mine and I had to step back from pure instinct.

"I hate...I hate how you challenge Vanessa", was his next words as he followed my every move. Soon enough my back hit the wall and he used his hands to trap me in the same spot. Why was my heart racing so much? Maybe it was because I thought I had a little feelings for him and right now he was too close for comfort.

This wasn't the time to think about those feelings.

"Then if I challenge you so much why don't you fire me? Or cancel the contract so I can just leave and be out of your life?", I say as I cursed myself for how shaky my voice was. I should push him away...shouldn't I?. I wasn't this weak...I already knew nothing could happen between us.

"Because I just can't Vanessa", he replied before using a finger to trace my cheek. His thumb went over my lips and for a second I felt really frozen. He licked his lips as he stared at my own. I tried to move my hands to push him off but that made things more heated because he pressed his body onto mine and next thing I knew he grabbed my hands and pinned them to the wall.

"Mordechai", I say as his eyes met mine. He stared at me for a few seconds before looking back at my lips. I felt my legs shaking but I refused to fall. It felt like he had so much power over my body. He started leaning in...closer and closer...

When his lips met mine I felt something in my belly that made me moan out as he ravished my mouth. He released my hands so he could grab my waist and deepen the kiss. Suddenly everything got hotter and my hands end up in his hair and one of his hands went up to my neck and squeezed lightly.

Knock! Knock!

We broke apart as we heard the knock on the door. He looked at me with undeniable lust as his lips parted and his face sprung into a smirk. How can he be so chill while I was trembling away?. I did the only thing I could and walked out ignoring him calling my name. I was met with Derik, one of the workers on the second floor but I didn't say anything to him as I passed and went to the elevator.

What the hell just happened?

I tried to catch my breath as I pressed the button to go to the bottom floor. My boss had just kissed me! My arrogant, selfish, self-centered boss who doesn't interact with low status people. And I liked it. What have I gotten myself into? I would never be able to get through work easily again without thinking of that very heated kiss. His tongue was in my mouth and his hands were all over my body.

A part of me was relieved that no one caught us and what was with his smirk at the end??. I should've held back ; I should've stopped myself and pushed him off. Nothing could ever happen between us and even if it should, will he change his arrogant and selfish ways towards me? Ofcourse not.

The elevator came to a stop and I walked out still feel a bit shaky. I really didn't want to face him again for the rest of the day. I left the building and stood on the outside as I took in the fresh air. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear my name being called.

"Miss Collins"

I looked behind me and saw Mordechai's father coming towards me. I felt my heart hammering my chest as I tried not to show how uncomfortable I was. His face serious as he eyed me up and down. I didn't know much about him but he was just as arrogant as his son and always want things his way.

"I need you to do something for me, you think you can handle it?", he asked rasing an eyebrow as I tried to comprehend what he was saying. He wanted me to do something for him?.

"If...I can I'll help you", I say as his lips went into a thin line. He stepped closer to me and looked in my eyes. He was truly intimidating. His blue eyes pierced mine as he tried to study my face.

"I know my son has a liking for you but let me tell you this. He's a man of standards and I want what's best for the business I spent so much years to build and you're not going to ruin that. So, I want you to turn him down and talk to him about marriage. Since he won't listen to me because he's so wrapped up around your finger. If he doesn't lose those feelings for you, things won't be pretty Miss Collins. Can't say I didn't warn you".

I watched his every step as he walked away with his guards beside him. I exhaled deeply but I felt another weight on my shoulders. I don't think Mordechai had any feelings for me and even if he did, it was just a lost cause. I went back inside with one thing on my mind.

I needed a very strong drink.


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