🥀Chapter Thirty Nine🥀

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"Look who's finally here guys!", Akilah shouted over the loud music. She was sitting with some people I've never seen before but they seemed alright enough. I needed a drink so I called her and she told me about a new club opening and so I said why not? I needed a break from all that work and the thoughts that have been clouding my mind all day.

"Hey girl", I say as I took a seat on one of the leather couches. I was only wearing a black skirt and a fringe top with my favorite shoes but most of the men couldn't keep their eyes off me.

"So guys this is Vanessa and she'll be partying with us tonight. This is Josh, Kimberly, Tyrese, Tamoya and lady of the night, Malina", Akilah said as she pointed to everyone who was around us. They all waved to me but I couldn't help but notice how Tyrese was looking at me.

It was past friendly.

He had a very dark and smooth complexion with low cut hair and a sharp jawline. He was dressed casually like the rest of the guys and only looked up from his phone when he wanted to take a sip of what he was drinking.

"So, what are you drinking tonight baby girl?", he said as he smiled widely at me.

"Baby girl?...hmm sounds like someone got a crush!", Akilah say as we all laughed at Tyrese who was blushing like crazy. I didn't really know what I wanted to drink but it has to be strong but not to an extreme because many things can happen when you get drunk.

Unspeakable things.

"Let's go the bar", Malina said as she was picked up by Josh. As I followed behind them I developed this uneasy feeling in my chest so I kept my vision as sharp as it could be. The call with Zed was still replaying in my mind and anything can happen at anytime. I don't even know what I'll do if he does find me.

"A lime martini for the beautiful lady, it's on the house", the bartender said as I gave him a small smile before taking a sip. The alcohol burned my throat but it tasted really good.

"You have to see Tamoya dance!", Akilah said as she pulled me through crowd until we were at the front. Tamoya was in the center wearing nothing but a black shorts and top with mesh stocking. There was a guy sitting in a chair without no shirt on as he bit his lip with a smirk.

"Does she do this often?", I asked as she started grinding on the guy's lap. Everyone was cheering and I watched the guy's face twist in pleasure as he used his hands to caress her body.

"She's a stripper", she replied as my mouth formed in an 'O'. That would explain everything from the way she was dancing. I took another sip of my martini as I glanced around the room. I started to feel uneasy again like I was being watched. Or maybe it was the fact that I had work tomorrow and I had to face my boss who played 'tongue wars' with me.

His father had the nerve to try and intimidate me. I had no clue if Mordechai had feelings for me or not and if he actually does, I will never confront him about them. I already had enough cash saved up to leave the city but the contract wasn't up and if I leave like that I knew I would be in trouble. I'd be running from Julia and Zed.

"I'm going to see if I can find the bathroom", I say to Akilah as she nod and I turned and made my way back through the crowd. I spent the next few minutes figuring out where the bathroom was and when I did find it, a couple was inside making out right on the floor.

I didn't even look at them a second time as I went into one of the stalls and closed the door. I sighed deeply as I sat on the toilet seat. My life felt like such a mess. It felt like too much to take in at a time. I heard some laughter before the opening and closing of the door. They were gone.

I pulled up my undergarments and left the stall. I looked in the mirror for a good ten seconds before washing my hands. My ears were overwhelmed with a loud sound coming from the crowd. I remembered how I used to dance like that...and how the men would reach out and touch my body whilst licking their lips. My body shivered at the thought.

Knock! Knock!

I checked the mirror one last time before walking towards the door and opening it. Tyrese was standing there with a smirk on his face as he pushed his body unto my mine and closed the door.

"What are you doing?", I say as I stepped away from him.

"Come on Vanessa, what's one little touch? Haven't plenty of men touched you like that before?".

"W what do you mean?", I say as I stepped all the way back and glared at him. He only smirked before going towards the door and opening it. I felt my heart hammering away in my chest and I almost fainted when the one man I didn't plan to see ever again came in.


"Ah, baby girl, I told you I was coming for you didn't I? I gotta say Vanessa, this chase has been fun...but now it's over".

His voice was so rough that all my body started trembling. Tyrese only whispered something to Zed before he walked out and closed the door. It was only him so maybe I could make a run for it...no. Zed doesn't walk without back up and I knew they were on the other side of the door.

This was it.

I was trapped and there was no escape.

My plans and dreams shattered.

"Come here".

It was just two simple words but his voice was filled with anger and venom. I was afraid of what he might do if I did or didn't go to him. My life is real shit but I wasn't ready to die yet. I couldn't even muster up a small plan to escape.


I flinched before taking extra small steps as I made my over to him. When I was close enough he grabbed me and locked me in a death grip.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?", he said as he stared at me. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the tears wet my cheeks. This was not happening. The second my eyes left his I felt his hand collide with my cheek and I hit the floor really hard.

"YOU'RE NOTHING WITHOUT ME BITCH!. You think I wouldn't find you?; after everything I did for you, you betrayed me and left!".

"I'M EVERYTHING WITHOUT YOU ZED! I left to find better...this wasn't the life I wanted", I shouted but then my voice toned down until I was silent. I held my cheek as I looked up at him. All I saw was a man who I used to work for.

Cocky, selfish and heartless.

"Don't worry princess, as soon as I take you back home I'll remind you who's boss".

The door opened and Romario walked in. I scurried back as he started coming closer. I tried to get up but that earned me a disheartening slap across my cheek. The tears brimmed to my eyes as my ears started ringing. I laid there as I felt my legs being tied together.

I couldn't fight back.

I couldn't do anything but lay there.

"I have a new club in L.A princess and you'll be working for me - again", Zed say before I saw him raise his foot and before I could move, it connected with my face and everything went black.


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