🥀Chapter Forty🥀

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I spent the last five minutes trying to regain my consciousness. My head felt heavy and the left side of my face was throbbing like hell. I opened my eyes slowly and tried to form words but my mouth was detained.

"Princess, finally you're up".

I opened my eyes fully and realized I was in a car. Everything finally came back to me and my heart started racing again. I was in the bathroom and then Tyrese - him and Zed must be working together...what if all of them was working for Zed and this was all a trap? Akilah wouldn't do that to me...would she?

"We'll be staying at a hotel tonight ; tomorrow morning early I'll be taking you to home. But for now, I have a few questions to ask you and you will answer them", he said as I looked at him. I couldn't speak but if I could I would give him a piece of my mind.

"Where have you been staying since you left?", was his first question before untying the cloth from around my mouth. I felt a relief washed over me as I exhaled. I didn't want to give him any information about where I've been because that would be putting their lives at risk and I don't want that to happen to anyone.

Especially Devin.

"Answer me Vanessa".

I still remained quiet and braced myself for the hit that was going to come. Zed had always have a high temper and he doesn't like to talk twice. He was so delusional he thought he was the God and we were his damn sheep!. At one time I believed that but that was in the past.

"You'll be punished for this you know? When I take you home. So remain quiet all you want baby", he said as I glared at him. I pushed myself as deep into the corner that I could go and turned my head away from him. I couldn't let him take me back. I didn't come all this way to go back to how things were when I was a dancer. I didn't want that life again.

As I sat there mordechai suddenly sprung to my mind. What if...by chance something should happen between us? I would have to tell him about my past and he would only think of me as a slut. I felt my heart racing again and I tried to breathe calmly. I had to stay sharp and focused. My head was hurting like hell but I couldn't focus on that right now.

The car came to a halt at a small food shop that was marked 'Macy's'.

"Just grab something to eat and get back here as fast as you can, I want to reach the hotel before night", Zed say to Romario as he parked the car and got out. It was only me and him left in the car. I was suprised he didn't have any backup...but as far as I could remember romario was all he needed. He was dangerous like that.

"It's just us baby, we could do anything we want".

I didn't even spare him a glance. My mind was everywhere except on Zed right now. I hated him and that wasn't going to change. I heard him sigh before feeling his presence on the seat beside me. I tried my best to calm myself as his hand went around my neck and he placed his mouth to my ear.

"I bet you wondered all these years who told me you were planning to leave that night".

I snapped my head to his direction as I looked at him. He only laughed before removing his hand from my body. I was confused until I caught on to what he was saying. Someone...or more likely one of the girls told him I was leaving that night. It's better to keep plans to yourself because trusting is something that always ends up the wrong way.

I closed my eyes as I tried to ignore the pain around my wrists and ankles. The rope was seriously tight and I know there will be bruises if he removes them. My belly rumbled but I also tried to ignore it. This was too much for me but I had to keep strong, my life depends on if I break or not.

And I will not break.


I could barely walk. My ankles and wrists were killing me even after Zed removed the ropes. I was infront of Romario as we made our way down the halls of the hotel. It wasn't that big so escaping wouldn't be too hard.


Even if I did escape he will still hunt me down. My only option was to pack my things and leave the city without telling anyone. It will probably turn out bad but my life is literally on the line. I don't want to be a stripper again. I can't even imagine myself working in those high heels and lace lingerie again while the men drool all over my body.

Zed stopped infront of a door and opened it before I was pushed inside by Romario.

I hit the floor hard and groaned as I glared up at him. Zed whispered something to him before he nod and closed the door. I watched him locked it then place the key in his jeans pocket. I stood up slowly and went to sit on the couch. I kept my eyes on him because he could try something, he was unpredictable like that.

"You can use the bathroom to wash off all that sweat and dirt, don't try anything stupid Vanessa, it would pain me to do something unpleasant to you".

His glare was deadly as I stood up slowly and made my towards the bathroom. I locked the door and tried to brainstorm anything I could do to escape. I stood looking at the wall for a good few minutes before finally taking off my clothes. I entered the shower and closed the door. I let the water engulf my body and my hair.

I need to make a call.

That was the best thing to do. I could call Devin. I turned the shower off and stepped out. I dried off before putting back on my top and shorts only. I wasn't going to leave tha bathroom with only a towel around my body.

I didn't see him when I left the bathroom. I checked everywhere in the room but he wasn't here. I saw his jacket and after searching the pockets all I found was some change. If I could get to a phone booth I could use it. Seconds later I heard the door being opened and I hurriedly placed the jacket back in its position and went to sit on the couch.

"You look beautiful", was his first words as he came in with a black bag. He placed it on the bed glancing at me every then and now. He smirked to himself as I he slowly opened it. I was a bit curious to see what was inside but I knew it was either drugs or money.

I swore my heart stopped a for a second as I saw what he pulled from the bag. It was a gun...44 magnum to be exact. I know those types all too well. He use to have two of them on his desk whenever I entered his office back then.

"Get some sleep".

I hugged my knees to my chest and closed my eyes. My heart was still racing but I tried to keep calm. I know what I had to do...I just had to find the right time. My mind went back to Mordechai and the kissed we shared. Somewhere in the face of actual danger I found myself smiling at the memory.

The way he touched me and played with my body...it was surreal. I knew that it was just impulse and that he didn't wanted his body body take control, but why that smirk at the end? Did he enjoy it? Was this just a game? Was he thinking about it as much as me? If I do make it from Zed's grip alive, I will confront him about it.

Whatever the results may be, I'll accept it.


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