Chapter 7

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"Okay, so what's your favorite show Mags?" Sandro took a sip on his drink looking at Maggie waiting for an answer. She thought about it for a while making a humming sound "hmmmm, friends!" Sandro smiled at Maggie when he saw her smile. He knew it really was her favorite show because of how she reacted.

"Oh, I have to go watch that some other time" "you should" Maggie looked outside and let the wind pass by her. It was a cold night indeed and she was feeling a bit cold. She hugged herself thinking it would lessen the cold feeling. "Uhm, can you wait for me for a sec?" "Okay"


I left Maggie alone for a bit. I hope she stays safe tho. I ran to my car and got my jacket. I went back upstairs and saw her enjoying the view. She is the view if she only knew. Her brown eyes and black short really suits her. I like how her eyes shine whenever she sees something amazing like earlier when the food came. She jumped up and down a bit and saw her eyes shining. What a cute girl.

"Hey" She called for me and I realized I was staring at her for a moment. Oh god, I hope she didn't notice me staring. "Oh, para sa'yo" I gave her my jacket from the car because I saw her shivering earlier from the cold air. She smiled at me and took the jacket from my hand "It smells good" she smelled it and put it on "Hala, buti nalang, I didn't smell it before I took it" I slapped myself in my head realizing that was stupid. Thank God, it didn't smell bad. "Thank you Sands" "You're welcome Mags" She seemed more comfortable and warm with the jacket. She was wearing a cute dress with tiny flowers. It looks cute on her, I really love it.

"I love your dress" Aahh grabe, I'm so cheezy. She might think I'm too flirty. "I love your outfit too. You look nice" Yay! She said I looked nice. I did change my clothes before I went to see her. I was out in the office the whole day so it might not be a good day showing up to our date all sweaty and ugly. Wait, a date? No, it's just a simple hang-out thing. Is it a date? "is this a date?" I asked her. She looked surprised "what?" "Is this a date?" I repeated.

"Uhm, what do you want ba?" She seemed confused too. I just wanted to know her more because she really looks interesting when I first saw her and yeah she really is beautiful, that's why I followed her! For a bit hehe. It was really hard to keep up with everything normal. I just really that life for me wasn't that hard. "Sandro?"

I looked at her and saw her pouting "Hey, what's wrong hun?" "are we still friends after this?" Why would she think that we won't be? And friends? I thought it was only us hanging out but it pained me to hear those words that we were only gonna be friends. Oh my god, I can't even have a girlfriend without anyone hating or having something to say. "Look at me, we're still going to hang out. I enjoyed our time today! It was really fun getting called Sandro Perez by you" She bursts down in laughter when she remembered that she has to tell the guard I was Sandro Perez. What a naughty girl. "HAHAHAHA SANDRO! I had to cover you up, you know! So people won't get the wrong idea about us" she pouted when she said the last words. She really is special and it's really great how she would try and cover-up for me. Not anyone could do that. "Salamat ha, hindi lahat ginagawa yun para sakin" She smiled at me and held my hand "Walang amunan Sandro" what?

I looked at her and she looked at me too. I tilted my head trying to think about what she said then I burst out in laughter. "Maggie, it's anuman not amunan" She let go of my hand and cover her face in embarrassment when she realized that she said the wrong word. Ang cute! "ANOOOOBAAAA IM SORRY" she whined and laughed at the same time. "I'm always gonna bring that up, I'm sorry" We both laughed remembering what she said. "Hay amunan" she said running a hand through her hair. I saw some strands that weren't in line with her hair so I went ahead and fixed it. I ran my fingers through her hair fixing it but despite it, she would still look lovely even without hair. "There, all inline" I bit my lip stopping myself from smiling like an idiot from the kilig I'm feeling. She gave me a small smile and looked at the view again.

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