Epic Fail

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Inside the dentention office:

"Mr. Jack Azzurette, accordin to the complain comming from your own class adviser, you come late at the 1st day of school, but still you did shout at him"

"Sh-shout?! No i didnt!"

"Again! You know the school rules. When you are inside the detention, you dont have the right to  complain!!!."

"U-im sorry mam"

"As the school principal, i know your records, and im very dissapointed for i am expecting you to be this school year's valedictorian, but with this record, maybe it might be affeted"

"But mam, how many times do i have to told everybody that it was an accident!" (Corteously)

"Accident?! My non-fake pair of eyes seen everything!"


"Yes! Without you knowing, we put several CCTV cameras around the ball site"

"B-b-but , i mean, i never did anything"

JAPZ: "MAM, hes telling the truth, hed been with me, we're together at the whole time"

"Mam, i dont mean to be unpolite, but, canwe just forget about that issue?!"

"No!!!. Why?! Because it might affect your educationl position!? Dont worry, it wont! Because before you enrolled,i knew you dont deserve it!! (Rudely)

   There already were a bit of tears arround Jack's eyes.

Meanwhile, inside Lyca Joy's room:

"Okay class, thats all for now, you can now take your break, goodbye"

    A girl walk close to LJ's sit to ask for friendship.



"Lyca Joy is your name right?!"
"Yea. Do u have a problem with my name? (Corteously)

"Lol. Nothing. Do you have a nickname?"

"Okay. Just call me LJ"

"Nice. By the way, im Cassie Middleton"

"How about your nickname?!
"Oh. Haha just call me cassie. Can we be friends?"
"Of course. But i guess whatever happen, we will still be friends at the end of the day so. Haha"

"Ya. I know but, im also a transferee. Like you, i just wanna gain some new friends"

"So, im ur first ?"
"Haha. Yea."
"Why me?. I mean, there are lots of other girls there. "

"Haha. Just because... Umm.. You really look so interesting. You know, with that perfect bangs, long black hair, short height , lol"

"Waaaaaahhh! The height! Hahahaha !"

"By the way, why are you not taking your break, we cqn only have it for 30 minutes. Youve got to be walking now darlin"

"I just dont feel taking break"
"Huh?!why?! Cause me, i really love to eat. I mean, a loooottt!!!"

"Obvious to your size. Lol. Joke. Your size is just fine. Your just a bit chubby"

"Haha. But i shouldnt eat too much. Cause when i was a kid, i undergone an operation where in, the surgeon had to cut my appendix"

"Woooah! How old are you then?!"

"Ugh. I cant remember, maybe, six, seven, eight or nine. Lol. Hahaha"

"Ahaha. But does it affect your , what do you call this one,?..... Um... Ur digestion?!"

"No,not really. The doctor says appendix isnt really much important for digestion. Or, isnt really important for our body. "

"Ooooohhh. I see"

"How bout you. ?"


"Have you underwent operations like i do?"

"Ummm. No, not really, i dont remember any."

"Oh ! Oh! By the way, have you heard the news?! "


"That this year's grade 10 or 4th year running valedictorian got expelled"

"W-what?! Why?!!!"

"I dont know, maybe about last year's issue thats been added by many other offenses"

"W-wait. I thought your new here. What issue are you talking about??"

"Oh. Haha. Before i enter a school, i search for iits official SNS accounts and then see what happens there"
- "the last time i did it was a week ago, and i saw a post for i think about 5 months ago, where in, i saw Jack Azzurette making scandal during the campus ball"

"What post?? Is it a video??"

"Yes. It is a video. A CCTV footage."

"What happen in the ball"

"Ohh. You wont believe me,he just wrecked everything in the ball"


" i dont really know how he did it,but its weird, that he even took his clothes off. And pants off. But still, wearing boxer shorts. He dive into the pool with no one watching. The CCTV camera is the only witness. Then,he went to the locker room and then he oppoened a girl's locker. He took the girl's underwear. That really is ewwwwww."
-the video is a bit dark but still,the school staffs and faculty members believe it was really Jack Azzurette".

"My God?!!!"
"Is that real?!!!!!"

"I think so"

(End chapter two)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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