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Damini POV

It all started this summer. I keep getting dreams, and what's more odd is that these dreams are getting odder and odder, One of the ones That I can currently remember is where I was being chased by 3 old ladies that were running oddly fast. I kept telling my mom about these dreams but she keeps telling me that "Oh, Honey that is just your imagination" But even growing up, I never had a big imagination, I never believed things like my dreams, and I mean NEVER. It got worse to the fact that I even see visions of people I never recognized. Anyways, moving on. Hi, Im Damini Harris, Im 18 yrs old and I was mostly called as "The Born Leader" I like leading people, and I dont just like it, I think Im actually pretty good at it. Im an A+ student, but for a smart student like me, I don't really like reading, Im ok with reading lessons but not books like Harry Potter or other books that are fantasies
Just like what I said awhile ago, Imagining was never my thing.

Today was my first day of school after our semester break. Unlike my friends, I like school and Im Excited to get back, I like the feeling of being busy but I also really like laying on my bed and using my phone. But school is important, my dream is to be a President and do a lot for my Country London, Yes I live in London but Im half asian though.

"Damini Harris! Lets go!" My mom shouted from the kitchen downstairs, "Im here already" I said as I go downstairs and sit down the sofa, "Mysterious creatures seen in the forest at 5am this morning, What could it be?" The new reporter said from the TV, I look at the TV confused, "What do you think it is?" I asked my mom, not taking my eyes of the TV, "Its probably just a fat bear" my Dad said walking out from upstairs

I didnt have the gut to argue with my dad today so I just nodded and stood up, "Can we please go now? Im gonna get late!" I said, taking my bag, "Ok go in the car and wait, Ill be there, I just have to talk to your mother for awhile" I went out and was about to go inside the car, but I forgot my phone, so I went back but I cant help but hear my parents conversation.

"Honey, How long are we gonna do this act? We know that eversince she was a kid that things were already getting weird" I heard my mom say, "Lets just keep it up until we can" My dad said, "But, She has been seeing visions and weird dreams, she's gonna find it out one way or another" my mom said and I can tell she was worried.

I went in and acted as if I didnt hear anything "I forgot my phone upstairs, Ill go get it and then we can go" I said, trying not to act suspicious. My mom looked at me nervously while I try avoiding eye contact.

As I got inside room, I thought about what my mom said, I took my phone and decided to just ignore it for now.

As I go inside the school, I realized that I was late. There were no more kids playing around and no more teenagers talking in the hallways. Then I remembered my dream

I was in my school, no one was outside anymore, there were 3 old ladies coming at my direction, The other one looked like a woman in here 60s while the other 2 looked like they were about 80 yrs old above. The other one greeted me while the other one looked at me while smiling, but not the smile that any old woman would give you, this smile haunted me. After that, I asked them why they were at my school, they all looked at me at the same time with that same evil smile across their faces. They started running and chasing me, I kept running trying to find a place to hide but they kept catching up.

I thought about the dream I had and noticed that this was the place that I found the 3 old ladies. After thinking about that, I heard the gate behind me open. I looked and saw the same 3 old ladies that I saw in my dreams, The other one greeted me, just like in my dreams, while the other one smiled, I decided to nkt say anything but they still looked at my direction-- But the good thing is that the bell rang, it means its recess, "Damini!" My friend called while running towards me, I looked away from the 3 old ladies and smiled and waved at my friend. But when I turned back to the 3 of them, they werent there anymore, I sigh in relief. "Whats wrong?" My bestfriend asked, "Oh- oh- nothing" I said "Hmm- ok? Anyways, me and Ashley made another stupid reason to excuse you from being late, you're very lucky that we're your besties" They said, I immediately forgot about whatever happened this morning and proceeded to hang out with my friends while telling them everything that happened.

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