♥ Chapter 4 ♥

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You groggily opened your eyes to the sunlight peeking through your window. New day, please be good.

You were just about to get up, when you felt something wrapped around your waist, preventing you from doing so.

That was... Tobi...

Is he spooning me-? Kami, that's embarrassing...

You could feel a blush rise on your face, as you sat there, unable to move. You tried to get out of Tobi's grip without waking him up, but he was too strong. Unfortunately (kind of fortunately, but you'll never admit it), Tobi pulls you closer, pushing your back against his chest. You hear him mumble something, but you couldn't understand it. Was he waking up? Please don't wake up now... literally any time BUT now! I do NOT want to get caught being spooned. Especially when I'm the small spoon! Hidan would totally bug me about it all day, and everyone would all get the wrong idea!

Grabbing Tobi's wrists, you pry them off of your waist, and finally get out of his arms. You exhaled a breath of relief. But, you have to admit, you kind of enjoyed the feeling of his arms around you. It's not like you'd admit it out loud to anyone, though. But love, of course, is a thing that may trick you into doing many things that you'll soon regret in the future.

You stole one last glance at Tobi's sleeping figure. Noticing he hadn't slept without his mask, you wondered if he ever took off that swirly orange mask of his. You had become intrigued by this mask of Tobi's, and even considered seeing what he hid under it. He could be awake, however. Waiting for you to try and take advantage of him when he's... what seems to be sleeping. You sighed. You wouldn't want people to mess with you in your sleep, would you? Of course not. Is he trying to tempt you into doing that?

So, you decide against taking off Tobi's mask. But your curiosity was eating you alive! You had to see his face.

You kept on reaching for the mask, but then immediately tearing your hand away, unable to make a definite decision.

The little devil on one shoulder told you to give in to your curiosity, but the angel on the other shoulder told you to mind your business.

(Y/n), it's still... some time early in the morning. Why not worry about this while you eat breakfast? Your mind told you.

So, you leave to go eat breakfast.

Luckily for you, Itachi was already up, and was making breakfast for everyone. You walked over and approached the Uchiha, greeting him with a tired "Good morning."

"Hey, (Y/n). How did you sleep last night?"

"I..." You paused, thinking about how Tobi and you slept in the same bed. "I slept okay..." You replied, rubbing your eyes.

"Good. I heard you had a mission today." Itachi commented.

"Yeah, I'm by myself on this one."

"Oh?" Itachi looked at you. "It's not often someone goes out on a mission by themself. I wonder why?" Itachi finished up the last few parts of breakfast and set out everyone's plates in their spots. You sat in the spot you usually sat in. "Well, I wish you good luck in advance." Itachi places a plate in front of you, holding a pancake and 2 eggs.

"Thanks." You said. Itachi nodded.
You finished your food, and remembered that Tobi didn't wake up yet. Should I wake him up? Eh... but that would certainly wake up the others, considering how loud he can be... even in the morning.

You strolled back to your room. When you opened the door, you were greeted with Tobi's all-too-familiar voice calling your name.

"(Y/n)-chan!" Tobi said, as he wrapped his arms tightly around your torso. "Good morning, (Y/n)-chan!!"

"T-Tobi- I can barely breathe-" You say, trying to get out of Tobi's vice grip. Tobi instantly loosened his arms and let go, letting you take in a deep breath. You both moved out of the doorway. "Can you keep it down, by the way? I'm sure you don't want to wake someone with a mission overnight. They wouldn't be too happy."

"Oops... sorry, (Y/n)-chan..." Tobi mumbled.

"It's okay, Tobi, it's not like you were hurting anyone." You said, patting his head. Well, you weren't yet. Hey...Tobi's hair is actually kind of soft... "Hey, Tobi... what kind of shampoo do you use?"

"Tobi doesn't know. Just the one in the bathroom." Tobi shrugged.

You sighed. "Whatever..." You walked past Tobi, and sat on your bed. Tobi followed, shutting the door behind him. "So..." You looked over at Tobi. He tilted his head to the side, as if saying, I'm waiting on you to decide what to do! "Do you wanna... draw with me?" You ask. 

"Ooh! Draw what?" Tobi asks, coming over to your bed. "Oh, wait, Tobi knows! Tobi and (Y/n)-chan should draw all of the other Akatsuki members!"

"Ah, good idea, Tobi." You smile. So, you brought out a couple sketchbooks, 2 pencils, and some colored pencils. You both got to drawing.
Tobi would occasionally look over at your drawings, but you quickly moved them to where he couldn't see them, saying that "They're supposed to be a surprise!"

"Tobi's done!" Tobi announced. You stretched your arms, and yawned. You only had to color in Itachi.

"One second, I'm almost done..." You add your finishing touches. "Finished!" You said, holding up your pencil. 
You and Tobi both swapped sketchbooks, to see the other's horrifying work.
Tobi's drawings were just stick figures, with hair. He got everyone's heights right, though. You noticed Tobi had drawn you and him together, holding hands.

"Wow..." Tobi said. "(Y/n)-chan's drawings look great!" He complimented. "Does (Y/n)-chan think Tobi's drawing looks good?"

You smiled and nodded. "It's very cute."
You opened your computer from 20 years in the future. When you saw the time, you realized you still had to get ready for your mission. "Okay... Tobi, do you want me to keep this? Or do you?" You ask.

"(Y/n)-chan can keep Tobi's drawing, and Tobi can keep (Y/n)-chan's." Tobi replied.

"Okay, cool. I have to get ready for my mission soon, and I need you to get out."

"Aw... okay..." Tobi said, disappointed. But you were sure he understood that you didn't want to be around people all the time. "Bye-bye, (Y/n)-chan!" Tobi waved, and left, closing the door behind him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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